It appears that, with a bit of a lull in the Balloon Boy story, there’s nothing much going on in the world. Well, except that Amy Winehouse’s dad likes her new boobs. That’s nice. I guess if you’re a young woman with a shithead for a husband and a drug problem, nothing will make you feel better than a little plastic surgery. As long as your dad approves, of course. I don’t really get the appeal, personally. Having grown up seeing my sister’s Barbi dolls in various states of undress, fake plastic boobs really don’t do it for me. I much prefer the real thing. I’m also not much for garish makeup or false eyelashes that make you look like you have a couple of bats glues to your eyes. But, to each his (or her) own.
In other big news stories, Rosie O’Donnell and her wife are having “issues.” Why I should care about that is uncertain, but there’s a mention of it on the front page of the HuffPost, so I know I should. I just wonder if I should be surprised or not (no offense to Rosie, but she strikes me as somebody that might be just a tad difficult to live with).
Speaking of gay people, I’ve never actually heard of Adam Lambert (I take it he’s famous), but why do the gay guys always get the girls? Just doesn’t seem fair.
I may be disappointed in Barack Obama’s presidency, but this study makes me glad I didn’t vote for John McCain:
Men who voted for Obama maintained stable testosterone levels, while men who voted for McCain saw those levels drop more than 25 percent.
Makes you wonder what happened to the PUMAs when Hillary lost the nomination.
Poor Glenn Beck. He’s apparently come to the conclusion that he’s relevant, and is now employing an armed bodyguard (despite nobody seeming to know of any threats against him). My guess is he picked him out of the Jeff Guckert catalog.
In the “they all look alike” department, fellow SU alum and MSNBC, um, anchor or whatever you call those people, Contessa Brewer called Jesse Jackson “Al Sharpton.” Both black, both Reverends. Eh, close enough.
PJ, I haven’t completely resolved my Indian Tobacco mystery, the Lobelia plant does not quite look like what I remember. This is a picture with no explanation, but you see it around the Midwest:
Perhaps the Common Mullein plant, but the shape is still not quite right?
Oh, we have those here. No idea what it’s called, though.
They certainly look ugly, yet they sure remind me of my ute (as my cousin Vinny would say)
The “link” to the “study” doesn’t work. I’d like to know how they got the data to come to that conclusion!! 😮
It is amazing the shit “they” think up to do “studies” on! :rofl2:
The link works for me. It says:
:cat: Cattails?
Republicans not the only “pro-rape” party in the Senate.
I would have loved to have heard Contessa Brewer explain herself to Tamryn Hall.
Heh, this is pretty funny.
Remember, friends don’t let friends sit drunk.
:40: :40: :40: :40: :40:
Couple of childhood heroes
Comedian Soupy Sales dies at 83
:rofl2: 🙁 🙁 :gate: