I’m not sure what’s more stupid – the fact that the local news station is doing “live remotes” from Target this morning, or the fact that the store was already packed with long lines at the checkout at six o’clock in morning. I shouldn’t actually even be up yet, but when I went to bed last night and turned off my alarm, I apparently managed to set an alarm for 4 AM (a bugle playing revelery, no less). I managed to shut that one off, but then my usual 5:30 Sedition Radio alarm went off, and I figured sleeping in just wasn’t in the cards. It was snowing like crazy when I got up (very pretty, like being inside a snow globe), but that seems to have tapered off now, and it looks like we’re about to break the record for most consecutive days without at least an inch of snow (if we make it through today, it will be 276 days). In other news…
My German isn’t that great, but this story caught my eye (mostly, I like the picture). Near as I can make out, it appears that an Australian farmer called the fire department, thinking there was a gas leak, but it turned out to be pig farts. The best quote is from the farmer, who says “Ich glaub’ mein Schwein pfeift,” which translates to “I believe my pig whistles,” but is (according to dict.cc) an idiom for either “blow me down,” or “I think I’m going off my rocker.” I can hear Popeye now, “Ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift, Olive!”
The Huffington Post has pictures and video of a 6’8″ model named “Amazon Eve.” Kinda brings out the Edmund Hillary in me.
Oh well, time to go to Wal-Mart (not).
Yeah, I know this is too obvious, but…