For some reason yesterday, I set my Facebook language to German. I’d been playing the German versions of the South Park Dreidel song and Mr. Hankey der Weinhactskot, and then for some reason there was a link on Facebook that said “switch to Deutsch” or something. So, I clicked it, and now I have 20 postfach, 2 Veranstaltungseinladungen, 2 Gruppeneinladungen, 2 Seitenvorschläge, 25 weitere Anfragenmy, my sister has zurückstupsen me, and Liz Winstead and I have 10 gemeinsame Freunde. While I can figure out what most of that means, I’ll be damned if I can figure out how the hell to change it back to English. Was fickt das? Good thing I don’t use it much.
I get the impression that a lot of people hate Tiger Woods, don’t you? I mean, OK, he appears to be a bit of a – what would you call it? Scallywag? Rake? Debaucher? Duchovny? I guess he’s a bit of a phony and a hypocrite (and kind of a dick), but there’s plenty of that going around. Assuming you’re not married to him, though, I fail to see the obsession with him and his philandering (it’s not like he went MIA from the Governor’s Mansion or something). I’d like to think I’m a better person than that, but it’s definitely a lot easier to stay “pure” when you’re not a billionaire and don’t exactly have the women pounding on your door. I mean, let he who is without sin cast the first stone and all that.
Speaking of scumbags, it looks like Bill O’Reilly has his knickers in a knot about Law and Order producer Dick Wolff (which seems kinda ironic; based on Andrea Mackris’ lawsuit against him, Bill – like Tiger – seems like a bit of a Dick Wolf himself). Apparently Bill really doesn’t have a handle on the whole fiction vs. reality thing (no surprise there), and has taken umbrage at a line uttered by one of the characters on a recent L&O show:
Garrison, Limbaugh, Beck, O’Reilly, all of them. They’re like a cancer spreading ignorance and hate. I mean, they have convinced folks that immigrants are the problem, not corporations that fail to pay a living wage or a broken health care system.
Personally, I’d have added Dobbs to that list, but, whatever. Bill was most decidedly not amused.
O’Reilly called that “simply defamatory and outrageous,” and labeled Wolf “a coward” and “a liar.”
“I have consistently defended poor people who only want a better life,” O’Reilly said. “If you watch ‘The Factor’ you know my beef is with the federal government not controlling illegal immigration and with violent aliens who wreak havoc once they get here.”
O’Reilly went on to call Wolf “a despicable human being for distorting and exploiting this very complicated situation.”
Oh, boo-fuckin’-hoo, Billy. Want a little cheese with that whine?
Oh well, I slept in late this morning, so I guess I better get busy. Have a good day, y’all.