The final vote on the Senate health care bill is taking place as I write this (the first Christmas Eve Day vote since 1895 or something). Assuming they can wheel poor old Robert Byrd out there one more time, the bill can then go to conference, where we can hope that whatever emerges doesn’t suck quite as much as it sucks now (don’t count on it, though, since President Obama says he’ll now be taking a “hands-on” approach to merging the two bills, and, based on everything he and his sidekick Rahm Emanuel have done and said so far, I’d expect all the bending over to be done by progressives; I think Obama has been channeling two former Democratic Presidents – Health Care is his NAFTA, and Afghanistan is his Vietnam).
Speaking of sucking, all that sucking up to Olympia Snowe sure did a lot of good, didn’t it? She voted in favor of a resolution introduced by John Ensign (who has said the government doesn’t have the “moral authority” to enforce this mandate – he’s a fine one to lecture anybody about morality) to declare the bill unconstitutional, on the grounds that the mandate part violates the Fifth Amendment of the Commerce Clause, which (in part) states,
“…nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”
OK, well, I’m not a legal expert or anything, but I always thought that was more for eminent domain kinda stuff (you know, they wanna put in a highway or a Wal-Mart or something else that would serve the “greater good,” but your house is in the way, so, while they can take it away from you, they have to pay you something for it). Seems like Republicans just voted to declare all taxes on private citizens unconstitutional, which I reckon I could support. I suppose you could consider all the wonderful things the government does with your tax dollars to be “just compensation,” but then that would apply to health care, too, right?
About 15 minutes into the workday yesterday, I realized that going to work today would be absolutely unbearable, so I quickly decided to burn a vacation day today and sleep in a little bit before heading out to pick up the things I need to make it through the holiday tomorrow (and by that, of course, I mean beer). I neglected to let the dog in on the plan, though, and he made sure I didn’t oversleep. Oh well, at least it gives me a chance to check Santa’s progress.
Speaking of Santa, he’s supposed to deliver the plywood clamp attachment for my new jawhorse today, though the jawhorse itself won’t be showing up until next Tuesday, so I won’t be able to play with it on Christmas day, which is kind of a bummer (busy delivery week next week; the refrigerator that they neglected to deliver a month ago is supposed to finally be delivered on Monday – though I’m still trying to figure out how the hell it’s gonna get through the door).
I finally got to shovel a little snow last night when I got home from work, as we had about five or six inches in the driveway. It’s been an awfully lame season so far, with a total of barely over a foot of snow (last year at this time, we had over five feet already).
For some reason, this whole thing with the kid in Brazil is a big huge deal for the folks at the Today Show. I’m not sure why. The kid’s mother apparently went to Brazil for vacation with the kid and never came back, got divorced, remarried, died in childbirth, and now dad wants the kid back. They’re tsk-tsking over the fact that the “Brazillian Family” is horrible and doesn’t care about the kid, but is trying to make this all about them, is making a big dog and pony show out of all this looking for publicity, and that the kid, obviously, should be with his dad. Now, far be it for me to point out any irony or hypocrisy, but can you say “Elian Gonzalez?”
Have a good day and don’t forget, you’ve still got time to show how much you love Jesus by buying shit.
The bill passed 60-39. I don’t know which prayers were answered that would account for the missing repig. And excuse me Snowejob but was the mandate not always part of the deal from the very beginning including when you were lifting your skirt to get some attention?
Updated-lame quacker Jim Bunning balked on the vote. Sure hope he’s OK. I may have gotten his autograph when I was a kid.
Is that a Festivus pole, Vern?
The Cheech and Chong vid won’t play.
Plays for me, and I’m even using a Mac, so that’s no excuse.
It is, Kp.
the play button just flashes like it’s loading.
Oh well, Christmas is almost upon us. Hope you all have a merry one.
Lola, puppy, will be a year old tomorrow. Being 3/4 poodle, she looks a lot like one but she has big webbed feet and weighs about 60 pounds. She’s at that point of looking like an adult dog but acting like a puppy. There is nothing too icky or dangerous for her to try to chew. Still, she’s a sweet girl.
Greetings from snow drift Oklahoma! :cold: The puppinksi loves snow and he and Gigi are bouncing around in it. Gigi usually is black but is white at the moment. SouSou is watching from inside. And I need to bake a couple pies…
Love the annual festivus pole, Vern!
Have a nice snug Christmas Eve, folks!
(It plays for me on my mac, too)
mandate schmandate :reaper:
Disaster ’round here, people stranded on roadways.
I noticed that God had lifted his cloak of protection from Texas, Oklahoma, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota. All states with Republican governors.
Just sayin’.
I haven’t heard that bit in quite a while. I think I’ll start a new Xmas tradition and rent “Up in Smoke”.
I just wish I could have a few of them brownies.
just enough time for a drive-by “Merry :santacool: “ to all the sedtionista’s and your families and loved ones.
:cold: as hell here with 8″ of snow on the ground but the suns’ out (for another 30 minutes or so)
If I don’t blog again for a few days (due to combination of food, beer, wine and 10 days off work), everyone have a great holiday, and be thankful we live in a country where a patriot like Ben Nelson can be bought off in order to force poor people to buy overpriced crappy insurance.
I do like the community health centers, though. Nice job by Bernie Sanders, looking out for us little folk as always.
And if anyone finds Jim Bunning wandering aimlessly through the corridors of the Capitol, tell him he missed the vote and he needs to XYZ. Because he probably does.
Time to start the festivities :40: :40: :40:
PJ I took the video and put it on my facebook page without giving a hat tip you, so here’s a hat tip to you.
Merry Xmas to to you Granny and Siggy and all the blogerino’s.
We have a democrat for govnor, pj. Although I do appreciate the sentiment. He’s a pretty good dude, too. He has had his mighty veto pen in action since the thugs took over – doesn’t always work, though, I guess. Maybe the cloak was lifted because of those thugies? NOW it’s the biggest snow storm ever.
(Kinda fun being able to stop by rather than a quick drive-by, for a change.)
Damn, how’d a Democrat get elected in OK? Well, you guys have Inhofe, and God hates Inhofe. God hates Coburn, too.
evening gang!
no snow here, was a beaut of a day.
tree up, decorating to follow. new upright freezer wrestled into the basement and wired in.
nog and brandy soon.
:santacool: :jesus: