Far be it for me to sympathize with a terrorist, but I’m forced to admit that I’m pretty amazed by the dedication of anybody who would sew explosives into the crotch of their undies and try to detonate them. By dedication, of course, I mean freakin’ insanity (and by them, I mean, well, you know what I mean). Oh, sure, on paper, if you’re gonna blow yourself up, it doesn’t matter what part blows up first. But as Umar Fuckedup Abdulmentalcase has clearly demonstrated, you really need to plan for all contingencies, and if there’s only a partial ignition and fire, it damn sure does matter what part of your anatomy the explosives are under. I see that “Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula” has taken credit for (and seems to be rather proud of) the “underwear bomber.” What is that, a franchise? Is that how far things have fallen, that we don’t even get attacked by the home office anymore, but it gets farmed out to the Al Qaeda equivalent of the Scranton branch? God only knows what kind of twisted screening processes they’ll come up with at the airport after this one. I hope there isn’t anyplace I ever have to fly again, but for those who do, I foresee many crotch-sniffing dogs in your future (and not in a good way).
No failure to launch at the Baikonur Cosmodrome last night, though, as the Russkies successfully delivered the newest DirecTV satellite to orbit. Now it’s a month or two of testing and repositioning, and then hopefully we’ll get more HD programming to go along with the February price increase.
Speaking of successful deliveries, our new refrigerator was successfully delivered yesterday afternoon. It took me about an hour to peel off all the tape and protective wrap, but I not only got it in place and loaded, but also managed to get the old one down to the basement and loaded with beer (and water, and the five bottles of Champagne – actually sparkling whatever it is, ‘cuz it comes from NY, not France – that were left over from the past couple of holiday seasons), and of course I unmounted the bottle opener from the kitchen wall, and mounted it downstairs. Turns out I put it in the wrong place, but that was to be expected (what with my inability to do anything right). I’m not sure why it gives me such a feeling of comfort to know that my beer is just a few steps away from the teevee, but it does. It should come in darn handy for New Year’s Eve.
Max Baucus yelled at some asshole Republican, and now Mark Foley is absolutely outraged at Max’s indecent behavior. Yes, Mark Foley, who until recently could be found hanging around outside the Congressional Page Dormitory wearing black rubber boots and a trench coat, carrying a six-pack of Budweiser and a box of chocolate chip cookies, disapproves of Max Baucus. And good ol’ Mark knows indecent behavior when he sees it.
I saw the headline this morning, Ambulance Dispatched To Obama’s Home In Hawaii, and I thought “oh, great, he drove into a fire hydrant and Michelle ‘rescued’ him by smashing out the rear window of his SUV.” Turns out it was just a neighbor kid or something who got slightly hurt. Not much drama there.
Speaking of headlines, here’s one that has “duh” written all over it: “Metallica drummer struggles with ringing in ears.” He probably listens to too much AC/DC or something.
Oh well, it’s in the single-digits, very windy, and snowing this morning, so I reckon I’d better get moving early. I just hope I don’t have to shovel to get out.
See ya.
Music therapy ‘may help cut tinnitus noise levels’
Speaking of which…
Orly Taitz says it’s time for her followers to bare arms. Does that mean the rest of us have to start wearing long sleeves?
Too damn cold to bare your arms around here today.
Karl Rove and his
beardwife got divorced.How sad. I thought “straight” marriage was sacred?
rocket pockets!
wayyy too cool! love those two. great jam!
Max Baucus yelled at some asshole Republican, and now Mark Foley is absolutely outraged at Max’s indecent behavior. Yes, Mark Foley, who until recently could be found hanging around outside the Congressional Page Dormitory wearing black rubber boots and a trench coat, carrying a six-pack of Budweiser and a box of chocolate chip cookies, disapproves of Max Baucus. And good ol’ Mark knows indecent behavior when he sees it.
Well, you can hardly blame Foley for being outraged. He just found out Max has a GIRLFRIEND. Having sex with an adult person of the opposite gender? What a perv.
Foley, of course, prefers more priestly behavior. :priest:
Orly Taitz says it’s time for her followers to bare arms. Does that mean the rest of us have to start wearing long sleeves?
Comment by Sue P — December 29, 2009 @ 11:03 am
I’m confused. I thought bare arms was a Michelle Obama thing. Maybe women with Kenyan husbands don’t count.
this is superb!
Honoring Our Elders- Ben Webster and Teddy Wilson
Maybe I’m late to notice this, but on the news today they’re referring to Abdulmutallab as the “Underwear Bomber.” Boy, is THIS guy going to make friends fast in jail. Whether he wants to or not.
But I like the image of thousands, nay, millions of pairs of soiled underwear falling from the sky to pollute our fields and rivers and disgust the American people. The three-year-old in me finds it funny, and lately he hasn’t had much to laugh at so I’m letting him enjoy it for now.
Of course, the person to call in to conquer the Underwear Bomber would be Mitt Romney. Magic underwear tops dirty underwear any day. Right, Mom? (I’m wearing clean underwear in case I get into a blogging accident, so don’t worry.)
The new season of Big Love starts next month, speaking of magic underwear.
I guess the question is whether one bombs with underwear, or bombs within one’s underwear.
Either way, kinda icky.
Wondering about special clothes for air travel like kilts or big baggies.
As I read somewhere else, now Karl is free to fly to Argentina to pursue a deep and meaningful relationship with his true soulmate, Jeff Gannon.