I was considering going in to work today, just to bank the day to use later. But, well, screw that idea. Never pass up an opportunity to take a day off.
It’s starting look like a Republican is going to win Teddy Kennedy’s Senate seat. What’s up with you people in MA? I think Obama has done the political equivalent of what Bush did after 9/11. So much good will squandered so quickly. Pretty amazing. So much for health care reform.
The two biggest big news stories of the weekend were the Golden Globe Awards and Michelle Obama’s birthday (oh, and something’s going on down in Haiti, too). Much to Marc Maron’s chagrin, I guess, Avatar won Golden Globes for best movie drama and best director. I haven’t seen it, myself, but Marc doesn’t approve of the movie on the grounds that it cost too much to make, and that all that technology is just a waste of money. Quite true. I also wonder why they spend so much money on color film, sound, and multiple cameras. Not to mention paying the actors so much money.
Sportswise, it was a pretty good weekend. On Saturday, #5 SU traveled to #9 West Virginia and (though they decided to throw away a 10 point lead with less than 2 minutes to go and make things interesting) beat the Mountaineers in the first showdown between 2 top-ten teams in Morgantown ever. Then, on Sunday, the Jets beat San Diego. Plus the Vikings kicked the shit out of Dallas (rubbed their noses in it, big time). I’m not especially a Minnesota fan (don’t dislike them, either – who can dislike Minnesota?), but I despise the Cowboys, and love to see them not only lose, but get embarrassed. Plus, while I’ve never really been a Brett Favre fan, you have to like seeing an old guy do well (kinda like John Elway, who I never really liked until he got old and won a Super Bowl).
Oh well, time to start the ML King festivities.