There’s a full moon tonight. Not just any full moon, though – the biggest, brightest full moon of the year (and not just the year so far, but for the whole year). That’s because the moon’s orbit around the Earth is elliptical, and tonight its perigee (or low point – closest to the Earth) happens to coincide with the full moon. If you have a decent extension ladder and one of those telescoping roof brush thingies, you might even be able to touch it. Well, not quite, but it will be about 14% wider and almost a third brighter, so it ought to be pretty impressive (assuming it isn’t cloudy). Plus, Mars is in opposition (meaning it’s on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun), so it’ll be big and bright and red, right there to the left of the Moon. What I ought to do is get my telescope out and look at it. But it’s, like, really freakin’ cold out (about ten below at the moment), so that’s probably not gonna happen. I went out last night to knock the snow off the dish (and, no, that’s not a euphemism), and the moon looked really bright then, even though it was cloudy and snowing. And cold.
CBS has rejected an ad by the gay dating service “ManCrunch” that the company hoped to run during the Super Bowl. Even though you’ve probably seen plenty of ads for eHarmony, the ManCrunch ad doesn’t meet CBS’s “standards.” However, an ad by James Dobson’s homophobic and anti-choice group “Fuckus in the Family” starring Timmy Tebow (who NFL scouts say has been pretty unimpressive so far) and his mommy (and apparently based on a bullshit story), is just fine and dandy with CBS.
F*ckin’ liberal media.
To show my solidarity, I’m resolving to not give a shit about the Super Bowl this year, and to even go to bed before it’s over. Unless it’s a really good game. But I’ll be skipping the ads.
I just got done watching the John Oliver thing from last night. Marc got three segments, and was very funny.
This whole Danny Goldberg (who still sucks, by the way) thing on Down with Tyranny and the reaction to it has really sparked a surge in visits to Sedition Radio. Yesterday, there were 66 unique visitors (and that doesn’t count anybody who just goes directly to the audio link, which I can’t track). There’s almost always at least a few people tuned in at any given time. Pretty amazing for a show that’s been off the air since December 2005 – more than four years now. Ah, what might have been.
Oh well, time to bundle up and shovel the driveway, I guess.