I’m getting a bit of a late start this morning, having been up since 4:30 or so, shoveling snow. We’ve gotten about 18 inches, according to the weather geek. I’m not normally one to complain about the shoveling, but this is some of the heaviest snow I’ve seen in a while. In an hour and a half of shoveling the equivalent of wet sand, I barely managed to make enough of a path for us to get out of the driveway. Now I’m pooped. Not exactly how I wanted to start my day. I must be getting old.
The godless, socialist snowplows have been out all night making the godless, socialist streets passable. Many of these streets, I might add, I have never driven on. Why I should have to pay for other people’s streets to be plowed is beyond me. If they want their streets plowed, they should pay a private company to do it.
Sadly, it looks like another house bound day for the dogs today. I feel pretty bad about that, but hopefully we’ll be able to get them out tomorrow. I only wish somebody would invent a shovel a dog could use. They’d love it, and it’d tire them right out.
I guess I’ll just have to design something.