I’m getting a bit of a late start this morning, having been up since 4:30 or so, shoveling snow. We’ve gotten about 18 inches, according to the weather geek. I’m not normally one to complain about the shoveling, but this is some of the heaviest snow I’ve seen in a while. In an hour and a half of shoveling the equivalent of wet sand, I barely managed to make enough of a path for us to get out of the driveway. Now I’m pooped. Not exactly how I wanted to start my day. I must be getting old.
The godless, socialist snowplows have been out all night making the godless, socialist streets passable. Many of these streets, I might add, I have never driven on. Why I should have to pay for other people’s streets to be plowed is beyond me. If they want their streets plowed, they should pay a private company to do it.
Sadly, it looks like another house bound day for the dogs today. I feel pretty bad about that, but hopefully we’ll be able to get them out tomorrow. I only wish somebody would invent a shovel a dog could use. They’d love it, and it’d tire them right out.
I guess I’ll just have to design something.
PJ, I’m sure this is some kind of upstate sin, but I’d suggest a snowblower. I bought an electric one for hubby several years ago when a heavy snowfall really winded him. In Red Hook, the unspoken but unbroken rule has the first person to shovel, doing the shovelling for three houses. Though he won’t say it I’m sure he’s blessing that little snowblower as I write.
Daughter Jenn just called to say that the heavy snow knocked down a huge pine tree in front of her house, destroying her fence. The electricity is out and the snow is up to the 4 foot high fence that is left. Granddaughter, Nina, is complaining of starvation because she can’t keep opening the fridge.
Mayor Bloomy, who wants to take 1/2 of the sickdays given to teachers in his latest contract negotiations, has closed the schools after announcing yesterday that they would be open.
The Daily News and that rag, The New York Post, are telling Paterson it’s time to go. The next in line is the newly appointed and never again heard from, Ravitch. The good news is that Padro Espada is not next in line.
There is a new movement predicated on being the pushback to the Teapartiers. It’s called Coffee Party USA and in a very short time it has generated momentum.
Oh, I’ve thought about getting a snowblower, but I have no place to put it (a little electric one wouldn’t cut it). I can’t even get a vehicle in the garage these days. And, for the most part, I really don’t mind the shoveling. Just prefer to do it after work or on the weekend, rather than before work. There was no getting out of the driveway this morning, though. There was at least a foot of the stuff (since I shoveled last night at about 8:00), and the socialist snowplows had packed an area about six feet back and two and a half feet deep across the end of the driveway.
Our snow is usually lake effect, which is fairly light and fluffy, and easy to shovel. But it’s warm out, so this stuff is very wet and dense. Great for snowballs, but a shovel full is pretty heavy.
Water weighs about 62 pounds per cubic foot. A rough guess is that this stuff is probably 30% water, which would be about 18 pounds per cubic foot. My driveway is oh, maybe 50 feet long by 25 feet wide, so at 1.5 feet average depth, that’s, what, 1,875 cubic feet * 18 pounds per cubic foot, or 16+ tons of snow.
Heh, you shovel 16 tons, and whattya get?
Think I heard on NPR just now that Paterson just blinked. Sorry for the WSJ link.
New York’s Paterson Won’t Seek New Term
Yep, Paterson appears to be out. I guess the path is clear for Cuomo II, the sequel.
Let’s hope it’s Cuomo II and not Rick Lazio, the Dope, I.
I don’t think Lazio will play up here all that well. I suppose he’s got LI wrapped up, so I guess Cuomo will have to win NYC by a decent margin (which you would think he would) and then do reasonably well up here in the hinterlands.
:cake: 🙁 :gate:
Not to mention…
I am sure I’ve said it before but one of my life’s highlights was sharing a step on the escalator in the New Orleans airport with Mr. Domino. That was quite a ride!
And, of course, the Great One.
:billcat: lazio is still alive?
I kind of like an alternative to the tea baggers, thanks for the link Sue.
I do, too. But not Coffee Party. I think they ought to call themselves the Dirty Sanchez Party.
They keep talking about “Vancouver Gold” on the teevee. I wouldn’t mind a couple hits of that.
Today is also Tony Randall’s birthday.
I know Lazio is from Long Island, but Long Island has gotten much more Democratic as NYC folks have moved there. Shelter Island, once overwhelmingly Republican, has elected local Dem and Working Families Party people. So, I’m not sure Lazio can count on a great support from Long Island.