Now that President Obama has successfully reformed health care, ended the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, closed Gitmo, ended Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, restored bipartisanship to Congress, reformed the financial industry, solved Global Warming (by calling for more nuke plants), tackled the whole federal government Styrofoam cup controversy, and turned the unemployment situation around, he’s taking on immigration reform. Good idea. He needs something to get all the teabaggers wound up again. They’ve been kinda losing steam. It was either that or gay marriage.
Saturday is the best day of the week, because it’s the only day where I don’t have to work today, and I don’t have to work tomorrow. There should really be more days like that in a typical week. At least two, I think. Sunday is OK, but you have Monday hanging over your head all day. Friday is nice, ‘cuz you don’t have to work the next day, but you still gotta get up and go to work. Of course, it certainly beats being unemployed. The only thing worse than working is not working. And the only thing worse than not working is looking for a job. Or maybe being a prostitute.