Back to work today. Shit. And this heat wave continues – in the 90’s at least until Thursday (and probably Friday) – for us, and everybody else on the East Coast. Now, I know it gets hotter in other places, but that’s why I don’t live in other places (that, and I’ve never had enough ambition to move; hell, after half a century, I know where everything is around here). I’ll take a little snow shoveling over this hot, humid, and buggy shit any day. The weather dork tells me we haven’t had three consecutive 90+ degree days since August 2007, and here we’re looking at five. This is what living in DC for a summer was like.
I’ve had to resort to turning on the a/c (oh well; I guess it’s good to give the new furnace filter a workout). Even worse, I’ve got “on call” duty this week at work, the part time person who backs me up is off this week, and I have an afternoon meeting today, which may mean I won’t be able to get the dogs to the park until tomorrow. It’s too damn hot for them anyway (except they get to go swimming), but it’s hard to explain that to ’em. To make things even more annoying, we’re at the peak of deer fly season (I hate those goddamn things the most – deer flies first, with black flies second and mosquitoes barely beating out no-see-ums for third).
Saturday night, our house got egged. I think somebody has their holidays mixed up. They hit the window screen, and it splattered inside and all over my nice new (and unpainted) window frame and shelf. I sanded it off the wood, but am unsure how to get it out of the screen. Since I had enough beer, I didn’t actually leave the house on the fourth, except to cut the grass in the back yard, so I never saw the front of the house. But when i was leaving to go to the park yesterday, a cop was over next door with my neighbors, and they called me over. Turns out, they got egged, too. And so did the guy on the corner and my crazy next door neighbor (probably other people, too). They’d called the cops, and the same guy had been there that day, too. So then i looked, and the front of our garage got hit, and also my front porch. And my car. Bastids. But I guess I’m glad they weren’t singling me out or something (and glad they didn’t smash windows).
The Queen is coming! The Queen is coming! Is there something wrong with me that I don’t care? I mean, it’s not like she’s the Beatles – or even Ricky Gervais – and didn’t three-quarters of us just get through celebrating our independence from these people? If she gets off the plane wearing that iPod Obama gave her, though, that would be cool.
Well, I reckon I’d better face reality and get ready for work, here. Good thing I took Friday off.
Maybe Melina’s chicken ranch has been over-producing.
My wild parrots came back the other day to eat some fledgling hawthorn berries. Nice to see something that intimidates the blue jay.
:parrot: :turkey:
Well, not here right now but I feel for ya. Stay cool!
We drove into Brooklyn to pick up the mail etc. At three o’clock the external thermometer on the car read 113 degrees. By 6 we were back on Long Island and the temperature read 102. Of course this is not a reading in the shade, but there wasn’t much shade anyway.
I know it’s all about what you get used to, but this heat literally makes me feel like I’m gonna puke. And at least three more days of it. Bleh.
Well, by golly, it has been :barf: :hot: :hot: hot here in the Twin Cities just about the whole time I’ve been here as well. I’m not looking forward to more extended heat when I get back to NY. Will be heading back to NY tomorrow. :knit2: Thank goodness my wonderful new Grannymobile has wonderful a/c AND cruise control AND mp3 hookup to ease the journey despite the heat.
SueP, thanks so very much about the heads-up on the Lily Dale :reaper: :yinyang: special — I don’t know if I will be able to get there this year and I am sooooooo tempted to take a quick diversion ride there on the way home, but I got too much :crap: to do at home to take the extra time. (I can already feel the Lily Dale DTs coming on.) Plus I have to be back at work :barf: on Monday.
This wage-slavery stuff really sucks.
Keep on :fire: ‘in, Bloggies!
:love: you all,
RG :knit: :jesus:
PJ — re The Queen Is Coming — I think O-Kat might be with me on this one — but the only smidgeon of interest that I would find in her visit would be to see what kind of hats she wears. She’s got some doozies, but I don’t think she can hold a candle to Aretha! :blues:
Otherwise, why should we care that she visits the US of A? Her trip ranks right up there with Linday Lohan violating her probation and all the other inane CNN/Faux News :crap: designed to keep us ignorant — SO WHAT??? WHO cares? :slap: