Big weekend here. The Syracuse Nationals are in town (the car show – not to be confused with the Iroquois Nationals, who are not in town, but are on a bus headed back to the region because it appears unlikely that the Brits will let them in, and they just can’t afford to stay in NYC any longer). It’s also Empire Brewfest weekend, which means lots of people will be drinking lots of beer (a shockingly unique idea; I guess some people need an excuse to drink lots of beer). I’d go, but tickets are pretty pricey ($49 or $99 for the “Beer Connoisseur” ticket, which gets you in an hour early and lets you sample beer that the $49 riff-raff doesn’t get. $50 will get me at least 5 sixpacks of Hop Devil, which lasts me at least four nights – maybe three, if I get on a roll – and as much as a week if I’m slacking off).
It’s gonna be hot today, too, but I won’t complain about it. Instead, I’ll complain about my shoulder, which for some reason starting killing me in the middle of the night, and is making it very difficult to type. I’m getting kinda tired of this getting old shit. Seems like at least part of me hurts at all times (can’t wait ’til they all decide to hurt simultaneously). I wish I had more faith in the whole life after death or reincarnation or whatever shit. I’m starting to think it’s time to reboot. Oh well, time to go find something that needs to get done (which shouldn’t be too hard).