Things are going a little more slowly than hoped for out at the new homestead. The dog containment fence is in place (with a greatly reduced area of coverage), but I’m slightly disappointed with it. We were unable to get a couple of the post hold deep enough, due to rocks and some of the hardest clay I’ve ever seen that hasn’t been fired in a kiln. The result is one slightly out-of-kilter post. A bit of a bummer, but, well, it works, so screw it. The bottom line is that the dogs can come and hang out, which is all that matters. Now we can work on extending the fenced-in area as time (and weather) allows. Oh well, time to get out there and seize the day.
i use a rotory hole digger 6″ wide and set the posts in concrete to get the alignment right.
posts last longer too with concrete bases.
Carpe diem.
I’d be happy just to survive the day without my car catching on fire. There’s been smoke coming out from under the hood recently.
Alex Anderson, creator of Rocky and Bullwinkle, dies at 90
🙁 :gate:
I hope everything is OK. I’m a little on edge lately since I had a friend who died from a car crash this weekend. The blog seemed to be down for a while so hopefully pj just had to go to work ( which he so much loves and is wont to do) or is it pj (I am not a witch) feeling the pressure of taking the top spot on the MS Blog counter?
Anyway, if you didn’t see this from Ira Glass re WTF.
Vern, that’s terrible. My condolences. It’s awful to lose a friend, or anyone else for that matter.
I had to go to work this morning. Much as I do not like the lack of income, I like working only 2 days. But, I don’t have time to look at the blog so I didn’t know it was on the fritz (no reference to Fritz the dog). I do hope PJ is OK.
This is what a bunch of Rand Paul supporters did to a woman from MoveOn.
And this is what Rand Paul said, instead of condemning it:
“We want everybody to be civil. We want this issue, the campaign to be about issues. We’ll tell you that when we arrived there was enormous passion on both sides. It really was something where you walk into a daze of lights flashing, people yelling and screaming, bumping up, and it was a bit of a crowd control problem, and I don’t want anybody though to be involved in things that aren’t civil. I think this should always be about the issues. And it is an unusual situation, to have so many people, so passionate on both sides, jockeying back and forth and it wasn’t something that I liked or anybody liked about that situation, so I hope in the future it’s going to be better.”
This, I suppose, is the Republican version of freedom.
Site was down this morning and I had no time to wait, needing to get out here and keep working on the new house. No internet out here yet (not ’til next Tuesday) and the BB is a pain to type on w/ my fat fingers. Oh well, back to the grindstone.
Some Halloween warm up with a h/t to Akron’s own Ralph Carney.
The attacker, whom Rand Paul did not initially condemn, is Tim Profitt, the Bourbon County coordinator for Paul’s campaign. Paul has now condemned such violence on both sides, even though only one side, his, acted violently. Of course he said the camera angle made it worse. ( I guess if the camera had been angled away from the scene it would have been better.)
I’m really sorry about your friend losing their life. :gate:
Vern, I’m so sorry about your friend. It is a shock that is so hard to get over.
When I was 25 yrs old I had a similar loss experience with a friend. She was about my age and was killed in a car crash on the way to work — she was newly married to a wonderful guy who she loved with all her life — and **poof** all gone with someone in the oncoming lane crossing the median and smashing through her windshield. Over & out. It is now 37 years later and I still think about her often — she was a wonderful, sweet, kind human being who deserved every good thing that this life could give, but it came to a sudden end and I never did find out how her new husband was affected although I can’t imagine that it was not devastating for him..
The sudden ends before things are finished are really so difficult to deal with 🙁 and are heartbreaking.
Condolences. These things always stay with you. Watch your dreams for messages — your friend will let you know how things are going if you reach out and ask.
Good Luck! :jesus:
Thanks, friends.
I went to a book signing party for a friend’s new book tonight. A little bit geezer-ish with music by Steve Miller and Elvin Bishop, John Handy and Sugar Pie DeSanto, Bonnie Raitt’s rhythm section Hutch Hutchinson and Ricky Fataar (a Rutle!) keyboards with John Allair and Austin Delone and even Sammy Hagar. One of my friends made a comment that it was nice to get together like that and see who was still with us.
That’s the sad part. Andy was only 37 with a wife and young child who was saved from the wreckage before the samaritan could get to Andy too late. I can understand it a little better for some of the older among us but this was just a shock. A sweet young guy who knew and loved music, people, and life who was loved by so many.
🙁 :cake: :blues: