Well, after a week and change off, I’m back at my desk at work this morning (after a visit to the dentist first thing – another $100+ down the drain). I’m not very happy to be here, but at least I have the Internet. It’s been pretty sucky to be without it. Hopefully that will all change tomorrow when they’re supposed to come and hook up cable and the Internet. Just when I found the best position for my OTA antenna, too. I’m actually pretty pleased with it (there are a lot of channels out there that I wasn’t getting before), and am wondering if paying for cable might not be kind of stupid. But, what the hell, it’s only money, and by tomorrow evening, I’ll be able to watch all those exciting cable “news” election returns as the GOP takes over the House and maybe even the Senate. Not that they don’t actually already have control of the Senate, of course (at least in terms of being able to prevent anything from passing), but this will give them power to set the agenda, run the committees, and have subpoena power (which I once was excited about the Democrats having, “ooh, just imagine Waxman and Conyers with subpoena power, now we’ll see some changes!”).
President Hopey Changey will of course bend over backwards to pass whatever the Republicans come up with (in the spirit of bipartisanship), and Republicans will cry about the Democrats do-nothing partisanship over any vote that isn’t unanimous, while looking like the party that “gets things done.”
Oh, it’s gonna be great.
The return of my Internet, however, I’m somewhat less than optimistic about. It’s supposed to happen, but for reasons I don’t feel like typing, I guess I’ll just take a wait and see. Don’t be surprised if I’m unable to post anything again tomorrow.
Snowed like crazy for a while last night. Didn’t totally cover the grass, but there was an appreciable amount on the ground. There was even still some on the roof when I left this morning (and snow on the way in, too). :cold: Not quite ready for winter, but, well, it’s November, and anything can happen now.
Oh well, just thought I’d check in while I had the chance, but I better get some work done.
Hope y’all are having a good Monday.
Oh well, just thought I’d check in while I had the chance.