Yesterday started off nice enough. The weather was beautiful, and, after reading about the SU basketball team’s win over the Northern Iowa Panthers (or the ‘Nips’), I got some quality seat time on the tractor, carving out some trails and clearings in the woods. Then I took the boys over to play with their cousins for a couple of hours, before coming back and suffering though a tough SU football game that Syracuse, amazingly, managed to pull out in the end. This not only assured them a winning regular season for the first time since, like 2004, but also gave them 4 road wins in the Big East for the first time. Ever. And it also makes them eligible for a bowl game (again, for the first time since ’04), and with a shot (albeit a long one) at a 10-win season for the first time since 2001. All-in-all, a good Saturday, and I fell asleep very (very) early, while reading my Kindle, listening to the post-game call in show, and eagerly awaiting today’s basketball game (and maybe even getting some tractor time in around my other Sunday chores, what with even better weather expected today). All the while, blissfully unaware of any events that may have been transpiring while I slept.
But then I got up this morning. Always a bad idea. Apparently, there were some mighty bad events transpiring indeed, and I awoke to find lights on everywhere, and little notes saying things like don’t use the toilets, everything’s overflowing, and the shop vac doesn’t work (I can only assume somebody tried using the little shop vac that I use to clean the pellet stove with to try and suck up water without first taking off the HEPA filter. I’m not sure, though, since I haven’t the nerve to look at the moment, and it’s possible that the bigger shop vac in the garage is somehow not working).
Anyhow, I can only assume that there’s something wrong with the septic tank, and as it’s too dark to really investigate at the moment (and I don’t have much experience with septic systems, having until now been a ‘sewer guy’ like my hero Ed Norton), so all I can do is sit and speculate about how much this is all going to cost me, and whether I’ll be able to take a shower (let alone a shit) any time soon.
So please forgive me if I don’t really care who the boobleheads are today.