Yep, it’s Saturday, and I started out the morning with a rousing workout. Well, actually I started out the day with coffee, last night’s Sanctuary and Medium, and then a rousing workout, courtesy of my latest Kinect ‘game’ – “Your Shape.” It’s hard not to feel like an idiot when you’re doing what, heretofore, I’d have considered girlie exercises done to girlie music (I wonder if you can change that somewhere?), while being nagged by some broad telling you you’re not doing it right. It’s even harder with your wife sitting there watching and laughing at you. But, I made some decent progress for my first time, and am still sweating as I write this. Hopefully I’ll be motivated to continue with this (without an audience) on at least a three days a week basis. Plus get in a game or two of ping pong (which has certainly come a long way since my first game of pong – which my favorite but much older sister was kind enough to buy for me, oh, probably in the neighborhood of 35 or more years ago). Oh well, time to measure to go buy some pipe and fittings, get some diesel fuel, and then get ready to do some driveway plowing. Seems to be snowing out there.