I’m gonna try not to talk about the weather this morning (OK, Iied; it’s cold. But that’s all I’ll say). So, what else does that leave? Something alliterative would be nice. Ah, how’s this? Many Marauding Monkeys Make Mayhem, Maul Man.
Dozens of monkeys went berserk on an Indonesian plantation, injuring one man as they made off with crops and chicken eggs.
The Antara news agency reports a rubber tapper had to receive 60 inches to an arm injured after about 10 of the monkeys set upon him.
A total of 40 to 60 unspecified wild monkeys were involved in the attack, which occurred about 100 miles west of Singapore, in the village of Teluk Mesjid, located in Sumatra’s Siak River basin.
The rubber tapper, Juju, told the agency that this is not the first time monkeys have raided the village or injured its residents.
Wow, he received 60 inches to his arm? Damn, Juju’s gonna be dragging that damn thing around something fierce. He can probably tap those rubber trees way up high now, though.
So, I’m wondering if it isn’t time for all of us to change our voter registration and become Republicans (those of us who live in states that require a party affiliation to vote in the primaries, anyway). Because, let’s face it, short of a Bobby Kennedy coming out and running, Obama will be the Democratic candidate, and, setting aside the question of whether he sucks or not, he’s looking like a certain loser. So maybe it’s time to try and affect the Republican primary and see if we can’t get the least objectionable Republican nominated. Now, who, exactly, that would be, I dunno. I hate to say it, but of the names I’m familiar with, I think I’d have to go with good old Huckleberry Huckabee. Not that he’s exactly a perfect candidate, but, well, we’re a bit limited in our choices here.
And he doesn’t have a prayer (so to speak) anyway, so I guess it doesn’t matter. If I had to guess, I’d guess they’d go with Mannequin Mitt (though he’s got some hurdles to overcome with “the base”). Sir Newt is making noises about running (as usual), but he’s a proven loser. Sister Sarah? Nah. Running is too much work. Who else is there? I don’t know, I don’t like to think about Republicans for too long. It kinda makes me throw up in my mouth.
Speaking of Republicans, let’s hear it for the newly elected Governors of Ohio and Wisconsin, who are too principled (or whatever) to accept hundreds of millions of dollars for high speed rail. The big winners? California and Florida.
California’s high-speed rail plan will receive up to $624 million in additional federal funds, Transportation Department officials announced Thursday.
The new funding adds to the $715 million in federal funds previously awarded to California. It arrives courtesy of Ohio and Wisconsin, two states where recently elected Republican governors decided not to accept their own allotment of high-speed rail dollars.
“I am pleased that so many other states are enthusiastic about the additional support they are receiving to help bring America’s high-speed rail network to life,” Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood declared in a written statement.
LaHood’s redistribution of an additional $1.195 billion in high-speed rail funding provoked cheers among lawmakers who had been lobbying for a bigger slice, but regret among some Midwesterners who saw their own money slip away.
California is one of 12 states that will receive a piece of the redirected funds. Florida, the next biggest beneficiary will get $300 million.
Hey, all due respect to CA and FL, but what about us? We want your money – and not just so folks can go from NYC to DC or Philly or Boston fast, either. How ’bout some high speed rain up here in the provinces, too? Just make sure ours have snow plows on the front.
Not so fast with that rail money for Florida. First we have to convince incoming governor and yet-to-be-convicted criminal Rick Scott to actually take it. Because Republicans would rather make I-4 ten lanes in each direction between Tampa and Orlando than persuade people to ride public transport.
But more importantly…
Semis are tonight. It’s in Santa Barbara this year, so a late start for the games. The beloved University of Akron Zips play Michigan at 11 PM EST. Championship final is Sunday at 4 PM vs. winner of Louisville/North Carolina, which is tonight at 8:30 for those who give a shit.
They almost took it all last year. This year it’s happening.
(kangaroo emoticon if we had one)
Sarah Palin, Todd and Bristol are accompanying Franklin Graham (Billy’s Mooslim hating son) to Haiti to aid Humanitarian efforts. I suspect they will not be discussing Sen. Coburn’s single handed hold on that effort.
The Rethugs deny that Coburn is holding up the aid. The say the aid bill is passed, it’s the structure that will facilitate that aid that Coburn is obstructing. I believe that is a distinction without difference.
I don’t believe there is a reasonable Republican. And, even if there were one, s/he would be tethered to the congressional Republicans for whom I can find no word to adequately describe them.
Then there is Bloomberg who is sounding more and more as if he wants to run. I think Bloomberg has done a reasonable job managing finances in NYC, but we’re still laying off people and cutting back on services so his rainy day planning, which he spoke of often, has been much less than perfect and about to become worse as there is no more stimulus money.
Bloomberg believes his financial “expertise” equals a superior intelligence that makes him equally wise in other ways. His takeover of the school system has been a disaster if you think the job of schools is to educate kids. If you believe it’s purpose is to give the idle rich something to do, it’s been a great success. He’s likely better than any Republican who will run but a very mixed bag at best.
Hope springs eternal, of course. Maybe Obama will get the message and take a quick course in negotiating with Republicans in a way that makes Dems happier.
I think the ship has sailed on Obama. The tax cuts for rich people thing really wouldn’t have hurt him at all (one might quite reasonably make a case that he had no choice there) if he hadn’t spent the past two years caving in to everything the Republicans have asked for – and that, just as the starting point for “negotiations” – while he and his minions have chided, rebuked, and outright censured “liberals” who thought they ought to have a seat at the table.
He’s managed lose everyone.
Those that wold never have sided with him still don’t, and those who once would walked across a bed of hot coals and jagged glass for him are, at best, tepid in their support, and not terribly inclined to donate their time or money.
Too bad. I thought the kid coulda been a contender.
I don’t know what will happen in 2 years, but I agree that Obama’s problem is the way in which he has negotiated, more than the results of those negotiations. Instead of appearing o have gotten the best deal possible he appears to have given away his chances before he starts.
Ah, a little something to look forward to.
Oh boy.
LOVED yesterday’s 1974 weather report. Good heavens, is that what we actually watched?
It’s supposed to get mighty cold ’round these parts this weekend. We need some precipt, though, and I don’t think that’s predicted.
Mr. FK was on Nightline Wed. I sort of blocked out what I saw, until I saw it a second time with my cousin. :yuck: :yuck:
Very scary OKat. They’re very brave and so are you.
Thanks, SP.
Obama crossed the rubicon weeks ago for me but Clinton’s appearance (appariation?) today at a White House press-conference was just pathetic and sad. I can’t remember Jimmy Carter ever looking as weak as ‘Bama did, saying he “had a Christmas party to go to”. and then standing in the background with the wall paper as Clinton took questions as though he were in charge. :crap:
James Moody
Okat- I just watched the video. Mike sounds so calm. I don’t know how he does it and I can’t imagine what it’s like for you. Behind every brave committed reporter is a brave committed partner. :nod:
Actually according to latest polls Obama beats all Republicans except Romney, and he even beats him in some polls. The tax compromise along with extended benefits will actually help him with independents and moderates even if it annoys liberals and he can allow tax cuts for the rich to expire if/when he is re-elected.