I was pretty surprised to hear that Chris Lee resigned so fast. I thought only Democrats had to resign over sex scandals. Of course, this wasn’t really a sex scandal – it was more being a lame embarrassment scandal. Not that being a lame embarrassment is unique, either. Of course, Chris is over there in Western NY, and play by different rules.
Here in Central NY, it’s all about the snow. In my neck of the woods, we dodged the Lake Effect snow bullet (on the radar, it looks more like a snow torpedo). I guess I won’t complain about what we get here, as it started snowing about 3-4 inches an hour last night, and some folks in what we all call the “North Country” are waking up to two feet more snow than they went to bed with – and it’s still falling. Damn cold, too. Up in Redfield, NY, the 23″ they’ve gotten since midnight brings them up to 251″ so far this season, but they have some more work to do to beat their record of 420″ (that’s, what 35 FEET of snow?). Of course, they don’t have a whole lot of street corners to cross up there in Redfield, like the typical Syracuse street corner pictured over there on the right. Makes getting around a little bit of a challenge.
Syracuse is within striking distance of a record this year, though. So far, they’re up to something like 138.5″ of snow, and, in a typical winter, we’ve gotten about 62% or our seasonal snowfall at this point. At that rate, that would put us up around 190 inches which, sadly, would fall short of a record (it would be good for #3 on the list, though). Of course, what we really want to do is hit the 200″ mark, which we’ve never done, and which would surpass the 199″ record that Buffalo set years ago. Buffalo – which gets all the publicity, yet averages a pathetic 67.8″ (slightly more than half what Syracuse averages) – having the NYS record for cities over 100,000 people is something we find shameful here. Or, I find it shameful (not quite as shameful as taking shirtless photos of yourself to send to women on Craig’s List, but shameful none the less), at least.
The record pursuit is on hold for now, however as it looks like we’re not supposed to get any appreciable snow here until maybe Saturday, when temperatures are expected to hit the big three-oh. That should be nice (the warmth, not the snow). My big fear at this point (aside from a roof collapse) is that the snow will just pile up until we get a five-day stretch of monsoon rains and 42 degree temperatures. Then I can start worrying about the sump pumps. Ideally, we’ll get some stretches of sunny, breezy, 35 or so degree days. That would get rid of some of this stuff with a minimum of flooding.
Speaking of cold and winter and whatnot, if you happen to be old and poor, President Obama has a big “F*ck You” in store for ya, as his proposed budget appears to include cuts for energy assistance. This is right there in line with his Republican pals in the House, who also want to cut, well, pretty much everything (except for assistance to the wealthy, which they of course want to keep). Nice to know the President and John Boehner (and Andy Cuomo) are on the same page – as usual.
Oh, damn, I forgot I’m not supposed to look at the news. Now I’m all agitated. But I’ve used up the weather, and of course we shall not, under any circumstances, discuss last night’s basketball game.
So I guess I better just drink more coffee, and prepare for my trip to the dentist.
Received 18″ of snow here yesterday. In town, they use road scrapers to move the snow around and the scraper drivers are surprisingly adept. NYC, eat your heart out.
Most of the surface streets here are the old brick roads put in many moons ago. Brick streets are surprisingly efficient – natural speed bumps, never need repaving, just a few bricks changed now and again, they drain nicely and they look pretty
This a.m. it’s -21 without the windchill. The dorks didn’t stay out long for their morning ritual. The forecast is for 70 degrees this weekend. :yinyang:
-21 degrees ? That far south? OKat I almost didn’t believe you but sure enough I see a reading of -27 in Bartlesville.
I have two stupid items from the Today show that make you go Huh?
They reported that Gabby spoke her first word, saying “toast”. But then they said that wasn’t her first word. Huh?
They also reported that the “wildly popular” game Guitar Hero was being removed from the market … due to unpopularity. Huh?
That clever rodent, Phil, says there will be an early spring. He so fat and cute he could not possibly be wrong, could he?
Gail Collins:
In troubled times it’s important to pace yourself. There’s only so much you can worry about at once, and we’ve already got Egypt, the weird weather, rising food prices and unemployment. Plus, the secretary of homeland security says the terror threat is really high. It would be at least reddish-orange if we hadn’t gotten rid of the color code.
I don’t think “right around the corner” has ever been officially quantified. And, in any case, a weather prediction from a woodchuck in Western PA doesn’t really strike me as being relevant in other parts of the country.
I can’t find the story online at the moment (abc is terrible about posting video), but on World News tonight, Jonathan Carl did a story that addressed some important earmarks the Rethugs refuse to touch (and Obama for that matter):
So, I have to wonder if the working people (those who have still have jobs) and those who don’t (like my son in law who has to scramble for any shitty job he can find for the past 7 yrs — mostly landscraping in the summer & working like a dog with the “illegals” — he browns up nicely in the sun, but the blond hair is a giveaway and he’s got too much of a Minnesota accent) are paying attention to the monumental drama that is playing out in Egypt, Land of the Pharoahs.
I’ve been following this obsessively & listening to the Democracy Now podcast coverage, which I think is most comprehensive & in-depth reporting. I respect Christiane Amanpour’s reporting (sharing the same first name doesn’t hurt — but mine was always pronouced the German way, so it doesn’t sound nearly as classy, just like you should click your heels & say “Heil!”, so I’ve always gone by “Chris” — keeps ’em guessing). Am also watching Anderson Cooper since he is now getting some “War Zone” creds. He’s no Mr. FK, but let’s see where he goes. I can’t stand Wolf Blitzer — he is a traitor to his ancestors as far as I’m concerned & that’s just my opinion. Anyway, it’s too easy for me to get distracted with all those opinions about what Girlfriend Sarah calls “Lamestream” Media — I can sorta agree with that but I would call it “Shamestream” Media, like in “SHAME ON YOU ASSHOLES FOR NOT REPORTING THE TRUTH & PERPETUATING LIES” 😡 —
Turn of the Century from 20 to 21 has been quite tumultuous & it doesn’t show any signs of calming down yet!! How long can Mubarak hold on (the f**king stubborn old dictatorial Fart :growl: :growl: :growl: :growl: :growl: — and his new VP – Octomom’s uncle? — is the same as the old boss :growl: 😡 :growl: :fu: )???
My heart is with the Egyptian people — I don’t have a sense yet of how or if this affecting people over here in the US of A (except for you guys, of course) although I recently had a very interesting conversation with a caregiver of a mentally retarded man who worked for OMRDD (NY State Office of Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities — CG worked for OMRDD just to be perfectly clear
) who said he & his wife have had to take additional jobs where they could find them & work OT where they could get it to get their kids through school & he’s worried about their future. He was very much in agreement with the Egyptian people — He’s definitely a Brother who’d be out there in Tahrir Square if he were there :fist: And I am there as well in spirit :reaper: :fist: :fist: :fist: :fist: :fist: :fist: :fist: :fist:
Most of our energy has been taken up with just surviving this winter & struggling to get all our :crap: moved from the “old” house and the prospect of fixing up the “old” house so that it will be an appealing “new” house for the next family that needs to live there, so it has been difficult for me to stay current & involved as much as I would like to be.
This whole Egypt thing is just enormous, though, and the Obama Administration has been cowardly and pussyfooting around being Black-White Man Speaking With Forked Tongue, but I’m somehow not surprised by that. They have not betrayed my disappointment in the “NO” change they promised. So, I guess I haven’t set expectations too high because I got exactly what I expected! :tongue: 🙄
Is that a good thing? :omg:
I just gotta say:
I ain’t proud to be an American —
:fu: Lee Greenwood!