Well gosh, what a difference a day makes. Yesterday, it was darn near 60 degrees out, and it was actually sunny. By the time I got out of work, I was stunned to see how much snow had melted. I mean, the snow was quite deep when I left in the morning, and then suddenly there was actually grass again. Now, though, it’s cold (and getting colder; supposed to be back down into the teens by this afternoon) and it’s a whiteout out there. Sweet. Oh well, I’ll try and accomplish some inside work today. Goodness know there’s a lot of it to do.
Could be tough, though, because after months without pain, my foot seems to be killing me this morning. Oh, I’ve felt it coming on for a few days, but today it’s very painful, and it’ll be all I can do to get around on one foot, let alone lift and carry. Why this sudden affliction? No idea. My previous theory had been gout, due to my less than pristine habits of consumption (beer, mostly; I wasn’t one for fatty foods or organ meat – which doesn’t even sound appealing), and the fact that it was something my dad suffered from.
Now, though, other than a few brews on New Year’s Eve (which I didn’t really even enjoy all that much; I still have five left in the garage fridge, and I believe this is a new record for the longest time I’ve had beer sitting around w/o drinking it, unless you count the high gravity beer I brewed myself and was aging in my cellar), I’ve been a very good boy for quite a while now. So what’s my reward? A big FU from the Lord of the Feet (or Pod God, as I like to call her).
Oh well, time to get hopping.