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Morning Seditionists


Posted by pjsauter on February 7, 2011
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I tuned into the Super Bowl last night just as whoever that bleached blonde was, was finishing the National Anthem. It was so horrible, I turned it off, watched some stuff I’d recorded, and then went to bed. I understand Green Bay won. Congratulations. :yawn:

Looks like the Huffington Post has sold out. Literally. They got bought by AOL. Oh boy.

I’m starting to worry a bit about the roof out here. Roof in the region seem to be collapsing at a rather alarming rate, and all the snow we got on Saturday night was really (really) heavy. The snow rake we have is kind of a piece of crap, so I haven’t really used it much this year. Guess I better get a new one, or get up on the roof with a shovel. Hopefully it’ll make it through the day.

Took me over two hours to plow my driveway yesterday because the snow was so damn heavy and also because I now have to pick it up and carry it around to find a place to dump it (really glad I don’t have to do it by the shovelful). The piles – like the rent – are just too damn high. If it ever gets warm and this stuff melts, it’s gonna be a real mess.

Not much chance of that for a while, though. It’s supposed to be warmish today, but then get colder again (and more snow, of course), and back down into the single digits.

Some rather disconcerting news this morning: I’m older than Garth Brooks. That’s sad. Just plain f*cking sad.

I really don’t wanna go to work today. No surprise there, I guess.

Super Day!

Posted by pjsauter on February 6, 2011
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Finally, it’s here. The day the whole world has been waiting for. A day of celebration. A day that epitomizes everything “American.” A day that, really, gives meaning to our pitiful existence on this planet, and reckons back to a better time, when men were men, women were women, and Presidents were white (and dumb). Yes that’s right, today is Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday.

From what I understand, Peggy Noonan has secretly had the Gipper exhumed, and will be spending the day bent over his open casket, fellating the shriveled husk of his once great member. Ronnie, we miss you and your jelly beans, and your open mic radio address hi-jinx.

Oh, yeah, and today is also Super Bowl XLV (pronounced, “Slev”).

Personally, I don’t think I could care less about the Super Bowl. If somebody I truly despised (like Dallas or the Eagles or something) was in it, or if there was an old AFL team playing, then it would be easy. Though some may call me stubborn (and I admit it’s a bit of a longshot), I think I’ll still have to root for the Jets.

I suppose for proximity’s sake, I could go with Pittsburgh. And Ben Roethlisberger looks kinda like Will Farrell, and I like Will Farrell. Then again, the guy who was the father on the Wonder Years just played Vince Lombardi on a thing on HBO that I didn’t actually watch. And I liked the Wonder Years (speaking of the Jets). And Ernest Borgnine once played Lombardi, and who doesn’t like Ernest Borgnine?

So I guess it’s a toss-up. And, as I get up at about 4AM these days, the odds of me staying up late enough to see what washed-up has-beens are performing at halftime this year (let alone the end of the game) are pretty low anyway (if I were you, I’d bet the ‘under’ on that one).

You may be surprised to hear that is snowed here last night. Yes, it’s true. In fact, by the looks of things, I’d say we got at least 12″ (maybe more like 18″) at my house, which fell on top of the freezing rain we had. This was rather unexpected, and I reckon I’d better get out there and clean things up before this balmy upper-twenties weather turns cold and down to single digits later on this week.

But not just yet. I think I need more coffee first.


Posted by pjsauter on February 5, 2011
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I slept in late this morning, and now the weekend’s half over. Lots I ought to do today, and then, blip, it’ll be Sunday night and I’ll have to got to freakin’ work. This living for the weekend shit is getting old. I want the Star Trek reality, where they’ve solved all the piddly problems like poverty, starvation, & single payer health care, and have presumably harnessed technology to relieve the people of the burden of doing all the lousy jobs like picking up the garbage and snaking out the septic system, allowing everyone to pursue activities more in line with their inner, higher natures, like poetry, art history, astronomy, and smoking pot. Instead, 90% of us have to go to work and scrape by week to week, while the other 10% have enormous wealth, get the best access to everything the country has to offer, and huge tax cuts so they don’t have to pay for it. Goddamn it, I want food replicators, transporters, warp drive, and holodecks. Actually, just give me the holodeck, and I’ll pretend I have the rest.


Posted by pjsauter on February 4, 2011
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It’s been yet another long week, but the light of an all-too-short weekend is starting to peek through from the end of the tunnel. And it’s actually supposed to be pretty warm over the weekend, which will give me a chance to widen the driveway back out again (it’s getting a little on the narrow side). Or maybe I can get some other shit done. I dunno, it’s hard to really accomplish anything in a crappy two days off – especially if you have to go and by materials with an ever-dwindling supply of cash. For instance, I really need to get my other computers over here to the “new” house, but first I need to build a desk in my new office. The plan is to build a ‘U’ shaped wraparound along three of the walls. I haven’t quite figured out what to use as a surface just yet. I was thinking of just using luann over plywood, but now I’m considering just getting some big ceramic tiles instead. I also thought about buying some fake granite laminate, but then I have to deal with gluing it down and trying to hide the seams and, well, I dunno. There’s a lot of fudge factor with tiles. Since the only way I’m leaving this place is feet first (and if the bank gets the sheriff to frog-march me out the door), I only have to please myself (and I’ve learned to settle).

In other news, I’m trying a new (new to me, anyway) online pet food supplier called Petflow where you can schedule deliveries (which they seem to call “flows”). They sell the higher end, organic/human grade type food which we switched to back during the whole Chinese melamine thing, and it’s ungodly expensive. We actually use it to supplement our home-cookin’. The price for a 30# bag of what I get is a fair amount less than what they charge at the pet food store, and they offer $4.95 flat rate shipping (free over $65 or something, which isn’t too hard to do – I ordered dog cookies too). Got the first shipment yesterday, and it seems to be what it’s supposed to be (intact, not expired or anything). You can add/edit/delete the items, how often it ships, etc., whenever you want (so you can go from a heavy flow to a light flow, I guess – or no flow at all, even), and then the shit’s delivered to your door, which is a lot better for me and my swiss-cheese brain than discovering I’m out of food with a couple of hungry dogs giving me “the look.”

So, if any of you dog or cat type people are interested in it, check out the prices to see if they have what you use, and see how the prices are. And, if you use this link, I get $50 or something. And you get, well, I dunno what you get. Something really, really good, I bet!

Of course, I’ve only just started with it, so don’t blame me if it turns out to suck. But, so far, so good.

OK, time to go get ready to be a good little Eloi (though I look more like a Morlock) and face the day.


Posted by pjsauter on February 3, 2011
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I take real exception to the Farmer’s Almanac for their characterization of our weather here as “the worst.” This is clearly a case of looking at statistics on paper, and then passing judgement on a place based on some sort of Florida standards or something, without actually ever having seen it. Oh, sorry, we don’t have brown, shriveled-up grass (and people) that crunches when you walk on it, and we don’t have giant mutant cockroaches that we call “palmetto bugs” in an attempt to fool people into thinking they aren’t giant fucking cockroaches. Yes, we do get a little snow around here, and, sure, when it snows nearly every day you get some clouds, but the beauty of the snow in the trees and on the hills never fails to fill me with awe. When I’m out on the tractor plowing the driveway as the sun begins to poke its orange head above the horizon, and the little herd of a half dozen or so deer that live in our woods go leaping across the corn field, the last thing I feel is gloomy. I mean, if living inside a picture postcard or a Normal Rockwell painting is the “worst,” then go ahead, do your worst – it’s OK by me. So, screw you, Farmer’s Almanac*. You forecast like an astrologer does a horoscope – vaguely worded with enough thrown in to cover your ass no matter what happen. Give me the woolly bear caterpillar any day.

Fran Tarkenton is 71 today. I guess you either know who he is, or you don’t. I haven’t seen him in a while, but I bet he’s in pretty good shape, because for every step forward he takes, he runs about 100 yards sideways.

Today is yet another dental day for me. Far from dreading it, I actually look upon these days as a welcome diversion from work for an hour or two. This should tell you how much I’m loving work (just kidding, I love my job and intend to keep working well past the day I can retire, which is about 13 years, 2 months, 28 days and 11 hours from now – not that I’m counting).

But (sadly for diversion purposes, but happily in terms of money I don’t really have to throw away on personal health) other than a follow-up in a week to test the quality of my interstitial brushing techniques – it should be the last dental date for a while – assuming isn’t having a Shivaji Jayanti 2-for-1 sale or something.

The next phase of my dental care is supposed to be the replacement of the two crowns I have, which he says weren’t very well done. I’m not sure what my cut of the expenses on those would be, but I think I saw that they go for $925 each, and typically my insurance only seems to pay 50%. Looks like my cut of the expenses on these will be $325. Sadly, I just don’t have a grand $650 to drop on getting them replaced right now. Not unless they break and fall off and start to hurt. And even then I’d have to think about it.

Beyond the crowns, he wants to install implants to replace two of the teeth that have gone missing. I think these go for $2,000 each. Since these are in the back someplace and I’ve long since learned to live without them, there’s NFW that’ll ever happen. I’d sooner buy a backhoe for my tractor (or, better yet, a mini excavator; if you’re looking at getting me an early Christmas present, please consider a Bobcat 328, and don’t forget to add a thumb for the bucket so I can pick up trees and stuff – I have some serious trailblazing to do come spring).

Oh well, time to do my due diligence and make sure my teeth are all that they can be before I go in.

Have a good one.

* Note, I don’t actually give a shit, and do plenty of bitching about the weather myself, though given the fact that we don’t have hurricanes, tornadoes, or earthquakes (not that earthquakes are technically ‘weather’, I suppose), I can think of worse places.

Woodchuck Day

Posted by pjsauter on February 2, 2011
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You know the drill. Some kind of bullshit about gathering around at the rather erotically named “Gobbler’s Knob” and seeing shadows or not seeing shadows and spring being in six weeks or “right around the corner” (which I think means in six weeks, because we’re lucky if we see spring ’til May around here). What the f*ck the poor woodchuck has to do with it is beyond me. Can’t they just say if it’s sunny this morning it’s one thing, and if it isn’t it’s the other (or, more accurately, that it really doesn’t matter either way)? But then I guess Brian Doyle Murray needs the work.

As for us, the good news is we’re not gonna get as much snow as they said we were, ‘cuz this big monster storm that doesn’t look like all that big a deal to me is tracking farther north than they thought. The bad news is that’s because we’re starting out with sleet and freezing rain first. Oh boy. So, all we’re looking at right now is a measly 8 inches or so. We’ll never get to 200″ this way.

Still, I really wish I could just go back to bed, or spend the day puttering around the house, but, sadly, no. As they seem to do whenever the weather geeks predict a life-threatening storm, the powers that be sent out the obligatory e-mail yesterday, detailing how you’d get shit-canned if you even thought about not coming in to work today (unless you get killed in a car accident on the way in, in which case they’ll let it slide – this time, as long as you get your supervisor’s approval).

Governor Andy announced his budget proposal yesterday, and, as expected there are cuts aplenty. In addition to reducing the State workforce by about 9,800 people (apparently via attrition, though, as opposed to outright layoffs), he wants some pretty harsh cuts to public school funding (which will force NYC’s Mayor Bloomers to lay off 21,000 teachers – but not really) and medicaid (which will cost the place I work at $36 million in State and Federal funds). No tax on rich people, of course.

So, now we’ll see what the State Legislature comes up with. What with the mood of things right now and the budget deficit, it’ll be pretty hard to restore any funding, though I suppose there’s always room for tax cuts for the wealthy. We’ll see. I could use a tax cut myself, as I’m starting to wonder how I’ll save up enough money to pay the school taxes come September.

But, hey, I’ll worry about that in seven months or so. Right now, it’s time to worry about plowing the driveway and getting to work without being the first candidate for layoff due to attrition.

Happy February

Posted by pjsauter on February 1, 2011
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Ah, February. Or, as we call it here, “snowy season.” And, as the folks down there in Punxsutawney, PA prepare a syringe full of woodchuck sedative and clean out Phil’s hole (so to speak), it appears that a little weather event is getting ready to head our way. And, my goodness, the national media sure are making a big deal out of this one, calling it perhaps the “worst” of the season. Although we were able to sit by and watch as the last couple of storms dumped a bunch of snow on other places, it looks like there’ll be no such luck this time around, though hopefully we’ll be spared the ice that’s supposed to hit south of us (ice sucks).

Anyhow, today shouldn’t be too bad, with, they say, about four inches, as the warm air ahead of the storm gets pushed into our area and hits the cold that’s been around for the past couple of days. That should start, oh, any time now by the look of things. Tomorrow, though, will be the big pain in the ass, as the storm proper moves out of the midwest and over us. Right now, they’re talking about a major mess for the ride in to work tomorrow, and another 15″-20″ or so on top of whatever we get today (on top of the 115 inches – which is actually about half a foot short of our average annual snowfall – we have already).

Should be fun, though, as Sue mentioned the other day, it’s getting tough to find a place to put all this stuff. It’s a lot easier for me up here in God’s country, of course, where I don’t have sidewalks to worry about, but still, the snow piled along my driveway in most places is as high as my tractor bucket will reach – taller than I am. This storm looks like it’ll be the wet heavy stuff, too, so it’ll be harder to deal with. I just hope the roof can hold it all (there’s already an awful lot piled up there). Maybe it won’t be as bad as they say (they tend to exaggerate sometimes). Just in case, I reckon I’d better fill up my gas tank today. Maybe even get some diesel.

Also coming today is Hurricane Andrew. Not weather, of course, but the budget proposal from our Governor. Among other things, he’s expected to call for 10,000 layoffs of State workers, and “true” cuts (in the past, cuts were calculated as reductions in increases, whereas he wants to reduce existing funding) of 2-3% in school aid and medicaid. This, combined with legislation that passed the NYS Senate yesterday and will now head to the Assembly, limited property tax increases to 2% or the rate of inflation (whichever is less), means tough times ahead for schools and hospitals.

Andy has pledged not to raise taxes on Wall Street millionaires, though, so that’s good. Rich people have had it awfully tough lately, and we want NY to continue to be the kind of place where a man can open a chain of dry cleaners and then move on up to a deluxe apartment on the East Side.

Speaking of which, it’s Sherman Hemsley’s 73rd birthday today. It’s also Elvis’ little girl’s 43rd birthday (or was it his wife – it’s hard to keep track, and he did like ’em young, but since he’s been “dead” for over 33 years now, I’m guessing she was his kid – and now that I think of it, wasn’t she “married” to Michael Jackson for a while?). Well, whatever, happy b’day to Lisa Marie Presley. And it also the birthday of the Frank Buckles, who, according to Wikipedia, is one of the last three World War I veterans in the world, the last living American veteran of World War I, the oldest verified World War I veteran in the world, and the second-oldest male military veteran in the world. In other words, he’s old. 110, to be exact.

Yep, that’s old.