Thank God (and by “God” I mean “Jobs”) that I never caved in and bought an iPad. Because soon I’ll be able to covet an iPad2. On the odd chance you missed it, the iPad2 will be coming out a week from today, on March 11. This latest version will offer revolutionary features that have already been available on other devices (which, of course, don’t count because they aren’t Apple products – Apple being the “Notre Dame” of consumer electronics) like front and rear cameras and the ability to to be used as a personal Wi-Fi hotspot.
Of course, the iPad will continue to be tightly controlled and proprietary (no USB ports for external devices, no SD card slots to expand the memory, no “unauthorized” apps or even apps developed on unapproved platforms), which is also a “feature” of Apple products. Naturally, I want one, but am quite frankly not in a position to shell out the $500 for the most basic, 16-gig, WiFi only version ($700 for the 64-gig and $829 for 64-gig and 3G).
I also don’t want what is basically a new method of consumption (I’m consuming too damn much as it is). I prefer something that I can use to be creative (not that I’m actually being creative, mind you, but it’s nice to know I could be, if not for the lack of talent and/or ambition – otherwise I’d think of some useless f*cking iPad/iPhone app and sell it for $.99).
For $500, I could build myself a pretty damn robust desktop, which is what I really need. The computers I have now are getting mighty old, and this Macbook Pro I’ve been using for quite a while now is plenty good as a consumption device.
Not that anybody’s listening to me, but, next time they bring Steve “Yurtle the Turtle” Jobs out of suspended animation, I think they ought to introduce hardware subscriptions (or leases, if you prefer). A certain amount down (enough to more or less cover whatever it is they pay to the Chinese labor camps to cover the cost per unit), and then so much a month. So, like, you pay $200 ($279 if you want the 2-yr Applecare) to get one shipped to you (I don’t know how accurate this is, but last I looked, the estimated production cost per unit was about $229), and then you agree to lease it for, say $20 a month for two years. Total outlay to Apple, $680 or $759 with the Applecare, which you know you’re gonna get because, hey, you just gotta (plus all the apps they can sell you), and then after 2 years, you get the honor of upgrading.
I think this would be touted as pure, unadulterated genius (not that this would be anything new, of course, since it’s pretty much the cell phone model in this country), and Apple could generate more revenue by claiming a patent on it and charging royalties to any company that infringes on its “iLease” patents (or face legal action from the increasingly litigious Apple Corp). They could even roll in wireless access with the lease price by leasing air time from cellular companies and rebranding it under the Apple umbrella (with a suitable markup for consumers, of course).
So, anyhow, when Apple starts doing this, I want y’all to remember this, so I can cash in on it. I’m not greedy. A couple million bucks and a Steve Jobs® queen size cryogenic chamber big enough to hold me, granny and the dogs is all I’m looking for.
In the meantime, let’s get this week over with already.
I hope that you wrote that on your dirty PC in the garage. Whenever I write something negative about the Appledom on my hand-me-down Apple gear, another piece of hardware ends up going to the iBoneyard.
I know this may seem fuckin’ lame, but I’m watching Clerks for the first time. A little over 12 minutes in the phrase “honesty thorough paranoia” is uttered.
Nope, written on the Macbook Pro, whilst settin’ in my recliner and drinkin’ coffee, same as most mornings.
I admit, I don’t display the proper reverence for all things Apple. Fortunately, nobody actually pays attention to me. If I was the tiniest bit significant, they would squash me like the bug that I am.
I mean, through not thorough. I fucked up the phrase and lost the game. Game over.
Mornin gang,
i’m up early and just looking at a few good sites for news.
lots of new bird voices outside this AM.
Rush Limbaugh:
“Let me ask you a question. How many people really think of Obama as black? …One of Obama’s parents is black. Undeniable. But he was raised by a white mother, by white grandparents. He went to a highly exclusive private school in Hawaii with rich, white students and white teachers. He went to exclusive colleges that were practically lily-white. Barry Obama is from a very white, albeit radically left, cultural background. He’s not from the hood. He’s not from the movement…I’m telling you, there is a chip on this guy’s shoulder, and it is a factor in every policy decision that he makes.”
What happened to the born and raised in Kenya with that Mooslim dad?
Wait, now it’s bad to be white? Is Rush a race-traitor?