So, in new entry into the “books I’ll never read” category, Sammy Hagar says he was abducted by aliens. I’m surprised by this, because, if anything, I’d have thought that the aliens dumped him off here to get rid of him.

Before I get corrected, The National Journal says those Tomahawk missiles we tossed at Libya go for $1 to $1.5 million each, as opposed to the $569,000 I quoted yesterday from the Navy (but that was in 1999 FY dollars; boy, how ’bout that inflation, eh?). So “Phase I” is apparently going to cost between $400 and $800 million, and then another $30-$100 million a week thereafter. In other words, in the first few days, we’ve spent enough to pay for the CPB and Planned Parenthood for a year, and have enough left over to, oh, I dunno, pay for death panels or something. This, of course, is worth it, because that Libyan guy is a very bad man.

Watch out, Yemen, we’re coming for you next. Oh, wait, I forgot. We’re pals with Yemen. I think. It’s so hard to keep track, and, really, I’m on the downhill side of things at this point. Let the youngsters worry about this stuff. Just quit raising the price of gas and my property taxes, OK? I’d like to get a few years of retirement in before I die. Also, I need to pay for that new generator I ordered.

Otherwise, yesterday’s training was pretty horrible. They hadn’t set up the computers properly, and it took about four hours to download and install everything. I do enough software installation in my life, and really didn’t need to do any more. And the instructor, while appearing to be a nice guy and also knowledgeable, isn’t much of a teacher. Add to that having to cover support duty remotely, and yesterday was actually worse than working. Two more days of this, and then back to real work, which only sucks slightly less.
