Rain, rain, rain. Yes, God’s crappy aim strikes again. While I understand His need to unleash His wrath against the charlatans and hate-filled losers in the bible belt that take His (and God Jr’s) name in vain by preaching that greed, hatred, death, and destruction are His will, I only wish His fury was a little more precise. Keep it down South, Dude. While we’re not in too bad a shape where I live, though it’s mighty wet and there’s definitely some flooding in places. Not enough to keep me from going to work, unfortunately. But I did have to pump the pool down a couple inches last night. Plus, it’s cold and damp. Sucks. Now I’m waiting for my subterranean river to rise (now there’s a phrase worthy of Elmer Fudd) and give the sump pumps a workout.
Things are a bit more difficult to the south and east of me, though. All the roads in Tompkins County (which is where Ithaca and OKat’s brother are) are now closed. The Susquehanna River is expected to rise to record levels (meaning that Broome County and Binghamton – which is where Rod Serling and, IIRC, Okat’s mother went to high school – are going to be flooded big-time, and they expect the NYS Thruway east of here to Albany to be closed (again).
I certainly hope the private sector is prepared to help everybody out.
I’m sure you watched our heroic field of Republican warriors last night. I somehow missed it (we go to bed early here in Real America), but from what I understand, Mitt Romney was the big winner in “general election” terms, as he appeared less insane than everybody else. Of course, in Republican, teabagger terms, Rick Perry won by out-crazying everybody else.
Next up, the President, who addresses Congress tonight. I can’t think of a bigger waste of time. Obama has made himself totally irrelevant, and there’s no way he can get any sort of a jobs bill passed. Maybe he thinks he can get Republicans to go on record being against tax cuts for the middle class or against jobs or whatever, but if that’s the plan, he’s even dumber than he acts. ‘Cuz the Republicans don’t give a shit how they look, and the media will never hold them accountable. I don’t care how “great” a speech he gives. In fact, I’m getting really tired of his schtick and stilted speaking style.
I predict a great post-White House career for him, though. He can go on a speaking tour with Sarah Palin. They would draw WWE-like numbers. Joe Liebermann could be their warm-up act.
I bet it’d be a sellout. Which would be entirely appropriate.
I went to bed last night and woke up this morning thanking the sciencey law of inertia that kept me from picking up and moving to Austin when it was the great music capitol and Ann was the last governor of Texas hanging out with Molly. Thankfully I dodged the ensuing goobernors of Texass even though one managed to steal the presidency and destroyed a pretty good country.
:banana: 🙁
OK, this is odd.
In Texas, 18 percent are facing hunger
The state’s rate of ‘food insecurity’ is 2nd-worst in U.S.
Buncha pessimists. I prefer to think of it as 72% of Texans aren’t. Rick Perry’s bumper stickers should read,
"Texas: Not Quite as Bad as Mississippi"
Except they should spell Mississippi wrong.
Tuesday a possum was run over in Red Hook. Some genius took the dead animal and her 7 newborn possums, put them in a plastic bag and threw them on a patch of grass. Mike saw this yesterday and, realizing the babies were alive, opened the bag. I decided we needed to take the babies to Animal Control rather than let them to starve, be run over or who knows what. So….
I called 311 and got to listen to at least 3 minutes of parking information, garbage pickup information, school registration information and finally a real live person who said we needed to take them to animal control ourselves as they don’t pick up small animals. I guess if a bear or elephant is loose they’ll come for them.
Animal Control, it turns out, is on the opposite side of Brooklyn and they close at 8 PM. At 7PM we started our trip through the streets of Brooklyn where speed control is accomplished by double parked cars and trucks making 2 lane, 2 way streets into 1 lane, alternate feed disasters. So we got there with 2 minutes to spare. (They close 5 minutes early)
Of course they are going to euthanize the possums but I guess that’s better than the alternative.
So Scarborough is writing anti war songs. I’m sure that when the twit was president he penned an entire notebook of war cheers.
Gail Collins does her usual great job of making it possible to think about the Republican debate without overwhelming nausea.
I would post a link to this, but it would be inappropriate.
Up earlier than usual trying to get on my traveling shoes for later so I am trying to get my computer duties out of the way while it’s still dark and the laundry is running. I’ve been pretty good about not approaching the box until after Morning Jerk is over but not so this morning.
How many times will we be seeing that piece of crap in the next cupple of days? Sad thing is I don’t think Jon Stewart will have the huevos to rip it to shreds.
:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:
pj, actually a big thanks since I am headed to road kill country.
Possum – the other white meat.
Have a good trip. I hope things dry out for you (not as dry as Texas, of course). Poor Binghamton is mess.
Thanks. Big doin’s in RVa tomorrow. BHO is speaking at U of R where Kaine is a professor and Cantor will have a counter rally later. My sister asked me if I wanted her to find out where the Cantor rally was being held but I told her if she wanted to head to the beach on time Saturday she probably shouldn’t. I hear repugs are arresting negative opinions at their meetings these days.
I already have a 2 hour layover in Dallas :omg: :barf: so I hope the PotUS and leader Dirtbag don’t screw up the airport although it would be cool to see Air Force One on the tarmac and get rid of the foul taste that debate last night left in my mouth. I’d think it might be the helicopter though for such a short hop from DC.
Another happy birthday to another wanderer, still #6, Sean MS.
:fire: :cake: :cake: :cake: