Funny, that “extra” hour didn’t seem to make the weekend last any longer than usual. I expect it will be carried over into today, though (with interest), making today last longer than a Monday after a two-week vacation. To make matters worse, I have the “support” (or, as I like to think of it, “schmuck of the day”) duty this week. At least today is an early day for me, which means I’ll be able to get home before dark (but not by much). And our stretch of nice weather is supposed to continue (and get better, even – 68° on Wednesday), which is always an unexpected bonus this time of year.
I decided to get a Roku thingie this weekend, and I’m pretty impressed so far. I can stream HBOGO on it, and with Amazon Prime, we can stream everything they have. Plus there’s a ton of free content available. As long as the Internet doesn’t crap out, of course.
I may just subscribe to Hulu Plus and drop down to the cheapest Dish package.
Speaking of teevee, you’ve probably heard there’s a big test of the Emergency Alert System coming up. Wednesday, I think. They’re very worried that people will flip out because, I guess, they think people are really stupid and won’t understand what “test” means (after that whole Orson Welles thing and all). So FEMA has an infomercial or something running about it, and it’s got a black woman in a little box in the lower left corner doing the sign language thing.
All I could think of was Garrett Morris on Weekend Update.
They should have an interpreter in the other corner for Teabaggers. Somebody with big hair using very simple, monosyllabic language explaining that this is only a test, Jesus isn’t actually coming yet, but in the event of an actual Rapture, you’ll be instructed to turn to EWTN for further instructions.
Well, the Rapture may not be here, but it’s still time for me to go.