Did you know there was yet another Republican debate last night? On Sunday. Shouldn’t these people be in church or at home reading by candlelight or whatever it is that good Christians do on Sunday evenings? Well, except for Romney. Tell me why it is, exactly, that we need these things. Are there actually some undecided teabaggers out there that are gonna be swayed by something they hear? “Well, gosh, now that I know Herman Cain opposes Dodd-Frank, I’m gonna have to rethink my position on his candidacy.” It’ll really be interesting if one of these yahoos wind up becoming President – and it’s pretty fortunate for President HAL that you have to be an idiot to get the GOP nomination these days, because that’s the only prayer he has of getting reelected at this point.
A lot can change between now and next year, of course. Holy crap, can you believe there’s still a year of this nonsense left to go? Now Crazy Michele and Spermin’ Herman have jumped on the water board bandwagon. Do they really figure that’s a winning issue? I mean, torture is so last decade.
What they need to do is get on the whole child abuse thing, and blame Obama for not doing enough to protect children (though – and I mention this only for the purposes of irony and not because political affiliation has anything to do with child abuse – Joe Paterno and Gerry Sandusky are both registered Republicans). Here in NY, the knee jerk reaction to the whole Penn State thing is to add college coaches, athletic directors, professors and administrators to the list of “mandated” reporters of child abuse.
Um, here’s a suggestion, how about we add EVERYBODY to the list? I mean, maybe you’re not in a position to physically stop it, but can you not pick up the goddamn phone (unless it’s an iPhone and the battery is dead) and at least call the cops? Send a text? Something? Anything?
I’m not the hero type, but I’d like to think I’d do something more to stop it than tell my dad if I saw something like that. Even when I was “only” 28.
Could be I just don’t get it.
Hey, whatever happened to repealing the 14th Amendment? Weren’t we gonna do that so Arnold Schwartzenbuggerer could run for President? You don’t hear much about these days. I wonder why that is. I mean, if we can have a Nigerian terrorist for President, you’d think an Austrian Nazi would be OK.
So I’ve been seeing lots of “Ron Paul Revolution” signs around our little town these days. Except they spell Revolution with the EVOL written backwards and highlighted, so it looks like “LOVE.”
Why is that? I don’t know about you, but when I think of Ron, “love” is pretty far down on the list of things I associate with him. But then I’m sure you ladies probably feel differently.
Oh well, I guess I better get going. There’s a story coming up on the lo-cal news about the best women’s razors, and I don’t wanna miss it. Could be good water cooler discussion later on. Except I bring my own water ‘cuz they actually expect me to pay to join the “water club.”
What are they, nuts?