Been laying low the last couple of days, but since shotgun season ended at dusk last night, I guess it’s safe to stick my head up (unfortunately, I saw my shadow, which means six more months of winter). Not everybody emerged from the woods unscathed, though{{1}}[[1]]I hope I don’t sound callous in saying I feel bad for the deer – not so much for the hunter (after all, he’s still alive).[[1]].
In college basketball, both the #1 and #2 teams lost yesterday. So, whoever it is that’s #3 right now just might be #1 come Monday. If past history is any indication, that probably won’t last long, though.
While I’m talking about sports, I might as well mention that, in honor of Ernie Davis{{2}}[[2]]Ernie won the Heisman 50 years ago this year, which I know I’ve already mentioned, but, hey.[[2]], Heisman voters presented this year’s award to a black guy.
Remember Rick Perry? He used to be running for Confederate Republican Preznident, and I think he may still even be the Governor of Texas{{3}}[[3]]I believe that’s an honorary title.[[3]] Well, apparently he’s got a YouTube video out there where he’s wearing a “Brokeback Mountain” jacket, while lamenting the fact that gay people can serve openly in the military now (when they’re not getting shot at or blown up, at which point they’re presumably too busy to flaunt their lifestyles and gay agendas – gay people, always with the flaunting), while “our kids” can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school{{4}}[[4]]I wish you goddamn Liberals would stop with the trying to re-kill Jesus and the banning of Christmas and whatnot.[[4]].
If serving in the military is such a big fucking prize where we can turn away people who are willing to do it, you’d think more of these Republicans would have actually done it themselves.
Anyhow, I assume by “our kids” he means his kids (or maybe your kids, because my kids openly celebrate the shit out of Christmas and don’t give a crap about praying in school (mostly because they don’t actually exist – though if my stepkids count, then there ya go, because they do, and don’t – and they’re half Jewish, though not the half that counts{{37}}[[37]]Is that offensive? I only meant they’re Jewish on their paternal side. It’s so friggin’ hard to write anything for Liberals – you never know what’s gonna piss somebody off[[37]]).
I wonder if it would be OK with Rick if a kid rolled out a prayer mat during biology class (you know, where they teach about how fossils are God’s little joke on archaeologists, and there’s no such thing as evolution because everything on this planet is just so goddamned intelligently designed) and started yodeling to Allah{{4a}}[[4a]]I apologize for that insensitive and disparaging remark and link to the story that is in no way amusing, though I will consider yodeling while I cut the grass from now on.[[4a]]?
Anyhow, good for Little Ricky (or is Santorum ‘Little Ricky’? Oh, wait, just googled it, and Santorum is apparently ‘Little Icky’), he may have set a record – for the most ever “thumbs down” ratings of a YT video.
The question is, does Rick’s{{5}}[[5]]Not often you see three words in a row, all ending in ‘s’.[[5]] video rise to the level of hate speech and thereby violate YT’s “Community Guidelines” and merit being banned and removed (or perhaps removed, and then banned)? Well, I haven’t actually watched it because – like Roland Martin{{6}}[[6]]Clearly his mother was a Laugh-In fan[[6]] – I think it’s a good idea to not watch shit guaranteed to piss you off, but that won’t stop me from having an opinion on it, and I say….
Better to let the world see what an idiot he is, and then make fun of him. If he came out and said, “kill all the gay people” or something, that would be different, but pining for the olden days when men were men and gay people had to stay in the rectory closet and out of the army{{7}}[[7]]Navy was always OK.[[7]] is just ignorant, and if we ban the ignorant from politics{{8}}[[8]]Yes, I know, banning somebody’s YT video isn’t the same as banning them from politics, but I’m extrapolating here – which I think Christians also want to ban[[8]], then where will the GOP find candidates?
Speaking of dumb fucking Republicans…
Seems there was yet another debate last night{{9}}[[9]]Another example of shit I avoid watching for health reasons[[9]], and the Newtster Rickrolled the competition. He’s like a fat little Energizer Bunny{{10}}[[10]]Except, instead of selling batteries, he’d make a great spokesmodel for Poligrip®, Brylcreem®, and Jenny Craig®. Fun fact: Jenny Craig’s parent company is Nestlé.[[10]] isn’t he? And, could it finally be Newt’s time? In the spirit of the season, let’s just sing,
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Gingrich….” :santacool:
Deer? Or Dad?
Going into the woods with guns often seems not to work out well for either deer or dads.
Vern, I take it we were not supposed to critique her dancing skills??
You’re probably too young to remember that that was something of a style back then. 😉
:dancers: :nixon: :peace:
It occured to me that Robin Wiilliams owes more than a little to Dick Shawn
He has been very generous giving credit to Jonathan Winters.