It’s the last day of Autumn, with winter officially arriving around here at 12:30 tomorrow morning. We’re celebrating with an expected high temp of 52°. It’s also the 33rd anniversary of the Lockerbie bombing, which of course we always make a big deal about in these parts, though we don’t have Ghadaffi Duck to kick around anymore. Last I heard, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was still alive, though, and supposedly the new Libyan government has agreed to allow a new investigation into the incident, which could conceivably allow a retrial for al-Magrahi’s alleged cohort – Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah – who wasn’t convicted the first time around. Probably depends on what BP oil contracts are in the works.
Hope Lola is better, sp. :pup: What kind of food was she eating prior to the episode?
What a sad place this gun-lovin’ country is fast becoming.
Lockerbie bombing happened in 1988, just a year after I moved to Syracuse, so it is anniversary #23, not #33. You must have been caught in a Time Acceleration warp this morning. 😮 :tinfoil:
That’s what the lo-cal teevee news dude said. Good. That means I’m 10 years younger.
Teevee news dudes are dummies who will just read anything that is put in front of them and the dummy who writes the copy probably doesn’t know how to count.
So, does this mean I”M 10 yrs younger, too??
:dancers: whoopie! :dancers:
I don’t know of any dietary indiscretions that Lola committed. However, she’s very sneaky when we walk her and has been know to grab stuff from the ground and have it mostly eaten before we even know what’s happening.
She was feeling better until yesterday morning when she had some diarrhea which had a few flecks of red blood. (Nothing like the original disaster.) But, by noon she was feeling better and eating so, hopefully, this is all headed in the right direction.
My new nephew pup ate so many autumn leaves a few months ago that they were so impacted in his stomach that they had to open him up to remove them.
Dogs’ eating habits are a big problem. They eat strange and sometimes awful things and they can eat much too much. Cats, on the other hand, will let you know if something isn’t fresh by turning their little noses up.
Dogs are like guys: eat first, ask questions later. Or puke.
Cats will turn their noses up to something that they thought was the best thing ever yesterday. Then think it’s great again tomorrow and gobble it right up.
And then puke.