Well, that’s over. A fairly painless holiday for me, and I actually managed to get a few chores done, which is nice. Yesterday started out as a white(ish) Christmas (just a dusting of snow to make things look nice), but then it got kind of warm and sunny, so the snow melted (at least the parts where the sun gets to – it doesn’t clear the trees in a lot of places at this time of year). I’m not sure if there’s anything out there this morning, ‘cuz it’s still too damn dark. Now it’s time to go fight the crowds at the mall. Not.
Much to my surprise, I saw that my teabagger anti-abortion RN congresscritter made the TPM Top Ten. She’s the “Freshman GOPer Didn’t Know Government Paid For Her Health Benefits” one.
A fun nugget buried in this story about Rep. Ann Buerkle’s (R-NY) first town hall meeting as an elected member of Congress. Constituents repeatedly asked a puzzled Buerkle about her health benefits. She couldn’t figure out why. But her staff sure could.
Buerkle, who voted to repeal the health care reform act, was twice asked about the health insurance she receives as a government employee. At first she said she couldn’t understand why people were so interested in her health insurance, and that taxpayers didn’t pay anything for it. She later corrected herself after being handed a note from a staffer.
I’m so proud.
In case you’re keeping score, she also voted against the payroll tax cut extension (despite having some “issues” with paying her own taxes).
Just to clarify: taxes for her? Bad. Taxes for you good. Healthcare for her? Good. Healthcare for you? Go Cheney yourself.
I’m sure you all feel bad for Newt, what with his inability to find 10,000 registered suckers voters to sign his petition to get on the ballot in Virginia. Poor Newt. Oh, and Ricky, too. It aint easy competing with the ghost of Herman Cain.
Damn. Seven o’clock, and still dark. When does spring get here already?
I am very pleased that Christmas is over and that we’ve made it through reasonably intact. Can’t say I got any chores done except tying and sorting the garbage so that it is acceptable to our sanitary engineers.
Only one salesperson wished us a merry Christmas; everyone else wished us a happy holiday. I guess O’Reilly will have to boycott a whole lot of national stores after this season. And, I haven’t heard a word about Kwanza this year.
I listened for a few minutes to an argument about whether God was the force that started the universe but the interesting part was when the scientist said OK, lets call the unknown God. What does that get you? I realized that the assumption is that if there is any god it must be the kind that “you” believe in. If there is a god who started the universe then I guess you must assume he also wrote Leviticus. Why don’t I see how one follows the other. I’m sure it’s a failing on my part.
Well, I’m clearly no bible scholar, and I thought Leviticus was some guy. But I guess not.
I’m not a biblical scholar, for sure. But, I took a course in college called the Bible as Literature in which we read the Old Testament and, if I recall correctly, Leviticus was the part in which a bunch of amazing rules were promulgated. Things about stoning adulterers and unclean trees. I do remember a fellow classmate who kept asking the professor, “What about God?” And the poor prof, whose name I’ve long forgotten, kept trying to explain that we were talking about the bible, not God.
As I recall, Leviticus contains prohibitions of shell fish, tattoos, and “unclean discharges” among other things. But that shit is all Old Testament, which is why I wonder why “Christians” seem to think it’s so great. I mean, that’s all pre-Jesus shit. In other words, “Jewish.”
As the rules are both yucky and ridiculous, I can see why Michelle Bachmann and Rick Who Cannot Be Googled would be attracted to it.
Remember Rick brought home a miscarried fetus and he and his wife spent hours cuddling and kissing it.
:santacool: Merry Day belated! :santacool:
Happy Birthday Lola!
Made it to a snowless Colorado. Mr. FK is accustomed to 10,000 feet. Me? Not so much. :billcat:
Had to leave the dorks behind. Somehow that makes it not quite as fun, even though there are 5 doggies here.