Have you ever suffered through one of these commercials where the pitch man yells at you at about 120 decibels, and thought to yourself, “gee, whatever it is they’re selling, I want me some.” No? Me neither. In fact, I will go out of my way to never, ever buy anything from these people – even if I want it. I say this, because the only commercials I sit through these days are the ones on the morning lo-cal news, and “AMERICAN FREIGHT, AMERICAN FREIGHT, AMERICAN FREIGHT!!!! appears to be one of their prime sponsors. I hate that guy. I think he’s the same guy as the NATIONWIDE WAREHOUSE guy. :growl:
A huge car chase and crash in Syracuse last night, ending with shots fired (nobody hit though). Not a big deal, I guess, except they believe it all started with an armed robbery at the Dollar Store. Really? I mean, by definition, you wouldn’t expect to see a ton of money there. Though I believe it’s a cash-only operation, so there’s that.
Maybe it just means I’m officially old, but I personally take umbrage at anybody knocking over the Dollar Store. I mean, an 8-pack of batteries for a buck? A gallon of Liquid Nails? You just can’t beat it.
A while back around here, a Pitt Bull (now named “Princess”) was found chained up and starving outside in the freezing cold. She was rescued and is now flourishing (and a real sweetheart of a dog, by all accounts), and today is getting a visit from the “Pitt Boss” – Shorty Rossi (I don’t know how many Animal Planet fans, but you gotta love Shorty).
I’ve decided to run for President on a “Family Values” platform featuring a good amount of homophobia and rabid opposition to gay people getting married on the premise that it will destroy the sanctity of marriage and ruin families. First, I have to see if my wife will agree to an “open marriage.” If not, out the door she goes (may seem harsh but, hey, it’s not like she’s got cancer or anything). Not that I have any prospects for a mistress at this point, I’m sorry to say (though there is a new Help Desk babe at work whose assistance I could use, if you know what I mean).
What with me not being a pompous, pig-faced, fat old white guy, I reckon I’m just not very appealing to the ladies. Not having a million dollar line of credit at Tiffany’s might have something to do with it, too.
Damn cold out again. I’ve really gotten spoiled during this mild winter, I guess. It’s got my shoulder acting up (in addition to everything that normally hurts). I might have to borrow some of Siggy’s Tramadol.
Or get more coffee. TGIF.
You might do well if you had a wingman and fellow bad-haired fathead Cyranewt Frank Luntz to slip you the meanlingless seductive messages in easily digestible portions.
I just saw this post by my cousin in Las Vegas:
My friends in NOLa are having problems with their cat LB, a FB friend in Seattle is about to lose her cat. Hard times for pet friends.
I think Brilliant has an ailing kitteh, too.
With 4 cats and a dog, I speak to the vet at least once a month. If a whole month passes and I have not had a reason to see her, I email her anyway, just to say hello.
I did not plan to house this menagerie, but small kittens in need of rescuing know where to come to find an easy touch. My mother knew too and I kept my promise and took her cat. But, the next stray goes to the vet who has found homes for more than 500 of them. (Keeps her in business.)
Etta James
:blues: :bow: