It was definitely not easy to drag my ass out of bed and to work this morning. And I can see that sitting here for the rest of the day is going to be very painful. I was pretty darn close to using a sick day, but it’s kind of a crappy day out today, and who wants to waste a sick day on that, what with warmer weather coming (hopefully; not sure if we’re going to get punished for the mild winter with a crappy summer).
Yesterday was nice, though. Kind of windy (even windier today – and colder), but nice and sunny. I had to put the hood up on my sweatshirt while I was out on the tractor (I knew it was risky, but fortunately no neighborhood vigilante came out and shot me).
Right now, I’m waiting to see if Rush, Bill-O, and the rest of their ilk will caution us against a rush to judgement on Tulsa good old boys Jake England and Alvin Watts. They look like they fell off the back of Tom Joad’s truck.
Here’s something I never thought I’d get to say: “Bubba won the Masters.”
So, Mike Wallace passed away. I guess I can finally forgive him for that fuxturd he spawned. Everybody certainly remembers Mike from 60 Minutes, but I’ll always remember him for “Biography” – 59 episodes that I didn’t watch on the teevee (because I was too young), but which they used to run for us in the middle school auditorium. I always enjoyed those (they were way better than sitting in class).
So long, Mike. You really knew how to make ’em squirm.