It was a bad foot night last night, and my half-throbbing, have numb foot kept me awake for pretty much all of it. This is what happens when I don’t drink. The other interesting thing is that, where my foot is numb, it can still feel itchy. Even better, though I can feel the itch, I can’t feel the scratch, so there’s not only no relief, but a tendency to claw it raw.
Today is Bob Moog’s 78th birthday (or would be, if he hadn’t croaked in 2005). If you’d like to play around with a Moog synthesizer, visit the Google classic home page today (using Chrome preferably, but anything other than IE should work).
I’m not a professional doctor- don’t even play one on tv,
but I think it’s your sciatic nerve. You haven’t said anything about your back
but you’re the right age and it can affect several different areas.
I went to a good physical therapist years ago who gave me some very specific stretching exercises that make the numbness in my foot (and back pain) go away.
Just wait til your knees start going to hell- nothing but beer to relieve that as far as I know.
Getting old sucks :growl:
Yeah, based on what I’ve read, it’s a pinched nerve at the S2. Back has been a problem for a long time now. Too much chair time.
I have already dished most of the doctor-like advice already (stationary bike, bedtime Valiun or Xanax) so I’ll just say that I am sorry that your agony goes on. You might get some ergonomic advice for that windowless enclosure you call work. Your employer should be all over that.