So, by now, I’m sure everybody’s seen the YouTube video of a cheerful though slightly less than Mensa quality young woman registering voters in Colorado. She’s working for the County Clerk (she “thinks”), but is “to be honest” only really interested in registering Romney voters. Now, whether this is some diabolical scheme from the County Republicans, or just some twit who got her marching orders a little mixed up, I don’t know. But given the voter suppression efforts around the country by the Republicans, it’s pretty hard to give them the benefit of the doubt on much of anything.
What I’m really waiting for, though, is the shift in the campaign that will make things close. Maybe it’s because I’ve been a lifelong SU fan, but I’ve seen defeat snatched from the jaws of victory way too many times. 2004 comes to mind (and 2008, too). So we’ll have to see what dirty tricks the Republicans pull out (and how well their voter suppression campaign works out).
Oh well, I guess I better get back to work.
Oh, and happy belated birthday to Okat.