I don’t know if you have occasion to be up early in the morning and looking at the sky, but if you were this morning, then you were treated to a very nice sight (at least from my vantage point on the face of the Earth). In the west at about 6AM EST was a full moon right between the horns of Taurus with Jupiter big and bright just below and slightly to the north. Directly below the moon was Aldebaran, and a bit to the west of the moon was red giant Betelgeuse over in the Orion constellation. Over in the southeast sky was Venus, which, at about 88% full was very bright in the sky. Just above Venus was Saturn (which would have looked a lot brighter had Venus no been right next to it, and just above the horizon to the east was Mercury. One of the things I like best about living out in the sticks is actually being able to see the night sky. I wish we’d have another Hale-Bopp come by.
But then I had to come to work. It’s normally a nice ride in, but today I had some asshole in a pickup truck with his high-beams on for almost the entire 20 mile trip. I was considering pulling over to get behind him and then letting him see how he liked having my brights in his mirrors, but I decided not to. Somebody needs to develop a rear window message board system. Or at least an electronic middle finger that lights up.
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Oh well, time to get back to work, I guess.