Posted by pjsauter on November 2, 2012
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Well, I survived yet another Annual Health Assessment (my BP was high – what a shocker). Luckily, I got the nice nurse (and not the rather amazonian looking one who likes to pump the sphygmomanometer up to about 5,000 pounds per square inch), and she didn’t feel a need to bully me into discussing the details of my last colonoscopy or prostate exam (or even nag me about declining to get a flu shot). Outside in line, they had a big sign hawking their “Thimerosal Free Flu Shots,” and the woman in line in front of me said, “oh, I wonder what that is?” so I told her it was a mercury-containing organic compound used as a preservative in many drugs (and, especially, in multi-dose vaccines). She was quite impressed, and said that I must “really read up” on this stuff. Yep, that’s right. I’m IT, ma’am. We know pretty much everything (which is a big reason why I decline to get the shot).
So I see that Mayor Bloomers is endorsing Obama, primarily because he thinks Obama is the better candidate to deal with climate change. Well, OK. I guess given a choice between the two on that issue, Obama is better choice, though I can’t really say I think of him as a leader on the issue (he has done a few good things). I don’t know that Bloomie’s endorsement will sway anybody (certainly not lovers of super-size sodas), but, what the hell. One rich bastard turning on another rich bastard is always good to see (though with Bloomberg’s $25 billion net worth, he probably thinks of Romney as one of the 47% of the losers out there who ought to go out and take a little responsibility for their lives).
Saw this on “Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn.”
Red Hook Houses Without Water: Bring Donations to PS 32
November 1, 2012
The Red Hook Houses are without power and running water. Donations are being accepted at PS 32, on Hoyt Street between Union and President.
Donations of bottled water, paper towels, and toilet paper are needed.
So, if you’re in the area, please donate a little TP and water for the folks in Red Hook. And paper towels, too, though if you can only give one or the other, go with the TP, ‘cuz while, in a pinch, you can substitute one for the other, I think I’d prefer to use TP to wipe up a spill rather than use paper towels to wipe, well, you know.
You may have heard that the CIA released a timeline of the events in Benghazi, Libya, that (surprise!) debunks Fux News and Republican conspiracy theorists claims about the attacks that killed four people.
…senior intelligence officials told reporters Thursday the CIA deployed a rescue mission from a nearby base within 25 minutes of being alerted to the attack, which killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.
But they say the six-member team did not arrive until 25 minutes after that, in part because of a failed attempt to acquire the assistance of Libyan militias with heavy weapons, and because they came under fire as they approached the consulate.
The CIA team reportedly remained at the consulate for an hour before leaving with all the Americans, except for the slain ambassador, who had been taken to a nearby hospital.
Intelligence officials say the rescue effort also involved deploying an unarmed U.S. military drone to the scene, sending emergency reinforcements from the Libyan capital, Tripoli, and chartering an airplane that eventually brought most of the Americans to safety.
Officials again adamantly denied that CIA officers were told to “stand down,†saying they responded to the attack “as quickly and effectively as possible.â€
SU basketball season started up last night with an exhibition game against Pace University (who were probably happy to come up here to get out of Manhattan and score some Central New York bottled water and toilet paper). I mention this only because it seems that the team’s nickname is the “setters.” Yes, the Pace Setters. That’s pretty lame, but, on the bright side, their mascot is “Tbone,” a rather cute (and non-threatening) dog (which beats a big orange plushie any day).
Alright, enough of this falderal, time to get this week over already.