So, I got the stupid appraisal thingie over with yesterday. Kind of an annoyance to have some stranger traipsing around your home taking pictures and stuff. But at least it’s over. And there was an added bonus with taking the afternoon off, ‘cuz it was darn near 70 degrees and sunny yesterday. We don’t get a lot of that in December around here. Back to normal today, though, and supposed to get kind cold tonight. No nor’easters in the forecast, at least.
You probably heard that Senate Republicans block the ratification of a treaty that calls for countries to not discriminate against the disabled (which would, in theory, make it easier for disabled Americans to work abroad). Even though this treaty wouldn’t change US law, isn’t enforceable by any international organizations, was inspired by the Americans with Disabilities Act, and was supported by the likes of Bob “not dead yet” Dole and John McCain, 38 Republicans said it took away US “sovereignty” and could somehow harm parents who home school their kids. How, exactly it would do this, I didn’t hear. But, whatever.
I’ve got some damn thing or other wrong with my foot (again). I did something to it over the weekend (not sure what), and it’s been bugging me for a few days now, but last night it hurt so bad it woke me up at about 2:00, and I never got to sleep again. This sucks. I always knew my body would betray me in my old age, but I never suspected my feet would become traitors. Kind of took them for granted. I guess they showed me.
A big day here at work today (and a surprising one). My chair has been trying to kill me for quite some time now, and I’ve been bitching about it. But, time being what they are, I didn’t feel it would be prudent to request a new one, so I suffered through.
Today, though, an e-mail got sent out saying there were brand new chairs up for grabs, so I jumped on it (or sat in it). Now I’m trying to adjust it (waaaaaay to many options) and convince myself that it’s better than the old one. We’ll see.