Well, it’s always nice to start out the day with a trip to the dentist. Nothing too nasty today, however, and I received much praise for being such a good boy with my “home care.” So that’s it until July when it will hopefully be much warmer out than it is today. Now I just need to get through the rest of the day. Since I have now been given the go ahead to work from home on Tuesdays in addition to Fridays, and since Monday is a holiday, I won’t have to be in the office again until next Wednesday (which is another stupid meeting day). So basically, I’ll be in sweat pants and flannel bathrobe from about 3:30 this afternoon until 7:45 next Wednesday morning. I can probably get away with doing laundry about once every three weeks now.
I see all the southern states are up in arms (so to speak) over Obama’s gun control executive orders. It appears that people like Rand Paul and the governor of Mississippi don’t think they need to follow any federal laws they don’t like. I believe they are mistaken in this assumption.
But while I was reading about their whining (and about the Texas AG taking out ads encouraging gun-totin’ NYers to come on down to Texas), it occurred to me that I’d like to see a new law passed.
Basically, it should say that no state may receive more federal funding than it pays in federal taxes. I suppose you could make an exception for disaster relief or something (maybe average it out over a period of years). Rather than cutting off funds (which would probably just screw over the poor folks – goodness knows they’d cut social programs before they’d cut corporate welfare), they should come up with some sort of a levy to be raised by increasing taxes on anybody living in that state making over, oh, I dunno, say a million dollars a year. Whatever the rate needs to be to pay off the bill, that’s what it should be. This would make the budget pork “revenue neutral,” which is something all the cool Republican kids are into.
Oh well, time to get back to work. Pretty soon it’ll be lunchtime. I kinda hate to get my teeth dirty.
I’d like to see a new law passed.
Basically, it should say that no state may receive more federal funding than it pays in federal taxes.
That would certainly be a shock to some of the “fiscal conservatives” who seem to believe that it is they who are footing the bills.
Sure would turn that “maker/taker” meme right on its head. I am always disgusted by the whorish states who bend over backwards to steal businesses from other states with low taxes knowing that ultimately they have to make it up elsewhere. Kind of like Wal-Mart employees who have to get food stamps and gubment health care to make up for the poor wages and the part time jobs without benefits.
Thanks for that, pj. I stoled it for the FB.
You’re right. These states feel free to lure businesses from other states with promises of low (or no) taxes with the assurance that the shortfall will be made up by a transfer of wealth from the taxing state to the taker state. And I thought that redistribution of wealth was a no no to these very folks.
🙁 :gate:
Abby, not John.