This is it, the end of the north Atlantic coast as we know it. By tomorrow, everyone will be smothered to death under hundreds of millions of metric tons of snow. Or so they’d have us believe with the typically uber-hyped approach of what the Weather Channel is calling “Nemo.” I would scoff, but they were kinda right about Sandy, so I’ll reserve judgement for now, except to say that it looks like it’ll be more or less a non-event for yours truly. They’re predicting something in the neighborhood of 8″ for us, which is barely worth plowing the driveway for. Not until tomorrow, anyway.
They sound pretty worried in New England, though, where they’re predicting 18-36 inches in Boston. I guess that’s a big deal for them, as they’ve more or less shut the place down ahead of time. Don’t get me wrong – two or three feet of snow is a pain in the ass (especially since this is supposed to come through really fast), but it doesn’t really strike the fear of God into us around here. That may change, though, as we’ve kind of missed out on all the big storms for the past couple of years (unlike our friends east of Lake Ontario, who continue to get all kinds of dumped on).
Maybe Climate Change is destined to make Central New York the new Palm Springs. In 20 years, we’re liable to be a big bunch of wimps that freaks out over an inch of snow. That would kinda be OK with me, I have to admit. I’m getting a little old to deal with the cold all the time, and since the rich folks and the Krazy Kristians don’t seem to care about the planet becoming uninhabitable (or at least miserable to live in) in the 22nd century, why should I? Not like I’ll be around.
It looks like Michigan Republicans have decided that forcing women to have a transvaginal ultrasound in order to get an abortion is maybe not such a good idea, as both the MI House Speaker and Governor have quashed the idea.
“While I want to be sure women have access to the best technology available, I have absolutely no interest in forcing a woman to have a transvaginal ultrasound,†House Speaker Jase Bolger said in a statement. “This House of Representatives will not pass a bill mandating transvaginal ultrasounds.â€
Gov. Rick Snyder’s office denounced the bill after the Speaker nixed it.
“Gov. Snyder is not at all supportive of this legislation and has zero interest in seeing it come to his desk,†his spokeswoman Sara Wurfel told TPM.
This is a good thing, for sure, but kind of disturbing that Republicans are showing a modicum of common sense. Imagine how dangerous these people could be if they stop being so fucking stupid. Of course, they’ll no doubt try to find some other way to intimidate women and health care providers. You notice that the Speaker claims to “want to be sure women have access to the best technology available?” Makes him sound like a concerned dad, no?
No. The idea (besides making women choose between an unwanted pregnancy and being techno-raped) is to mandate so much sophisticated and expensive equipment that providers just won’t be able to afford to provide services for women.
I’ve heard it suggested that men requesting ED drugs be required to submit to a trans-anal prostate ultrasound exam, to which I say, “hey, hey, hey – leave my ass alone!” Not that I have a need for said pills (and I hope not to have a need in the future), but I’d like to keep my options open, just in case.
So let’s all make a deal – we all agree to keep our hands (and fingers, probes, medical devices, etc.) out of each others’ orifices unless properly invited. And if two people want to examine each others’ orifices in the privacy of their own home, then it’s nobody else’s business.
Seems simple enough to me.
Uh-oh. It’s starting to snow out there. :omg:
It started snowing here at 7 AM. We are supposed to get 18-24″. We have a gas powered snow blower which will challenge our old selves if we have to clear the long driveway. But the real worry is power. We seem to have gravitated to two places where powerlines are on poles. In Red Hook we remain one of the few places in NYC where this is so. I assume that is because the water table is so high. Shelter Island has the added problem that the cable that feeds the island is underwater and if it is damaged we will be playing with stinky, noisy generators for months. Mike and I exhausted our “places to move” options after the hurricane.
I tried to use ‘modicum’ on FB at halftime of SB XLVII the other day but it disappeared. Maybe it was the last syllable.
I hope you all fare well in this storm. I understand that forecasters revert to precautionary mode leaving them with a credibility gap. They can’t afford to be lowballing in case the worst happens but it does enable the growing idiocracy trying to debunk any level of gubment. Add to that the privateers who want to take over anything the government does where a few bucks cam be squeezed out of the public. The National Weather Service is just such an agency that has been under attack by the likes of no less of an intellectual and scientific heavyweight than Rick Santorum. Of course, that is all in the interests of ‘competing’ commercial private forecasters who are falling all over themselves to figure out how to sensationalize and brand and own weather events with a ‘hair on fire’ approach’ to enhance their hits and ratings and bottom lines.
I try not to post this more than once a year but the time may be right.
The very light snow we had earlier has stopped. There’s snow to the west of us, but so far it’s kind of tracking diagonally to the north and east, totally bypassing my place (though it looks like it’s snowing way over yonder in Syracuse and parts north of there). I’m hoping it misses us entirely. Cloudy but calm and warmish out right now.
I ordered 3 pairs of pants from Amazon yesterday. For some reason, one pair was shipped UPS, the other 2 FedEx.
The UPS shipment (from Lexington) arrived a few minutes ago. The FedEx one (from Memphis, which is only about 600 miles from Lexington, is supposed to arrive tomorrow.
My guess? FedEx will blame the weather and delay delivery.
:fist: UPS Union Yes!
Even better, I looked at the tracking, and the FedEx actually started from Hebron, KY, which is just across the river from Cincinnati – about 100 miles closer to me than Lexington. So they sent it down to Memphis and then back up this way. Assuming it got up this way (their tracking hasn’t been updated, and they of course sent out their “nasty weather don’t be surprised if we blow off your delivery” message).
According to the weather folks, it is raining lightly. The snow won’t start ’til 9 PM. Unfortunately the snow started this morning but it intermingled with rain and we accumulated about an inch of slush. Then around 3 the snow started to accumulate and we have about 6″ so far. I’ve done as much as I can with things that need power: wash, vacuuming, charging phones, cooking etc. Now we get to hope that all that was unnecessary and all we will have to do is dig out the driveway. This weather catastrophe stuff gets old very fast.
Maybe time for you to be snowbirds and head south….. :billcat:
Eh, I hate the summer heat. And at least there are a few months when I don’t have to worry so much about fleas and ticks. Plus I think I’m a bit too librul for the folks down south.
Besides, with climate change, I think the south is heading to us.