Happy spring, everybody. OK, I know that was yesterday, and I’d intended to say something them, but I got kinda distracted by work and shit. Here, we celebrated the vernal equinox with a cold and windy day. And it’s pretty damn cold today, too. Yesterday was also the start of spring football practice, which is when we allow ourselves to be hopeful about the upcoming season. This year with an all-new (for the most part) coaching staff and lots of questions to answer regarding whose gonna fill our many empty spots (especially at QB, WR, and OL).
And of course what would March Madness be without a Syracuse “scandal.” This year, it came thanks to CBS Sports, which reported a vague rumor form an unnamed source that SU is under a “wide” NCAA investigation. How wide? Larry Craig stance-wide, that’s how wide. I don’t know when we became the Oakland Raiders of the NCAA, but nonetheless, there it is.
SU was placed in the East regional bracket, so naturally they’re playing their opening round game in San José. Yes, that makes perfect sense to me, too. What makes even more sense is that the two teams from the Pacific Time zone (Cal and UNLV) are playing at 4:30 PM PST, while Syracuse and Montana are playing in the second game, which won’t start until well after 7:00 PST. That means after 10:00 PM back here in the east. On a school night. Since I’m up by 4:30 AM, I don’t see any way possible for me to watch the game.
I mean, do you have any idea how much beer I’d have to drink just to stay up ’til tip-off? I’d be totally wrecked by the end of the game.
In other news, as Art mentioned yesterday it was quite nauseating to have to listen to the disgusting Richard Pearl justify the American disgrace that was the invasion and occupation of Iraq. All he did was regurgitate long-disproved talking points about how “everybody” thought Saddam had WMD, and how nobody said there was a direct link to 9/11, just that while we were reevaluating the risks to America in light of the attack that nobody could have foreseen, we realized Saddam needed to be knocked off. And of course he was allowed to prattle on with his bullshit uncontested by the interviewer.
This, NPR, is why I no longer send you any money.
Oh well, back to work.
This is Spring? Has anyone checked the earth’s axis? I think it’s stuck in the winter solstice position. :cold: The forecast says snow!
PJ, I always read your football stuff in the hope that I will glean some information that will make the game, or the reason folks watch it, understandable to me. It really never helps. I think I have deciphered QB as quarterback but WR and OL? Wayward Republican? Obese Lawyer? Are these guys the ones responsible for this nonexistent spring?
I like those, and I would bet most obese lawyers are wayward republicans.
In this case, though, I was referring to wide receiver and offensive line.
An obese lawyer is probably a wayward Republican but does he also need to be a wide receiver to get that offensive line or can hurl the offensive line at a skinny Dem? A most confusing game!
I’m not even wading in this one……. :40:
It’s snowing.
We have had wild temperature swings that wreck one’s ability to regulate body temperature. 80 degrees then high 20’s.
Maybe that’s why we have so many Wacky Republicans and Ornery Workers. :billcat: