The devil’s in the details, of course, but it looks like President Obama needs to send Vladimir Putin a nice fruit basket or something for bailing him out of this whole Syria thing. Kind of interesting that something that started out with John Kerry going off message might turn out to bail us out of this rather stupid situation. Good thing, too, ‘cuz Obama was about to look really, really stupid. OK, he kinda already looks really stupid (and rather irrelevant), but at least he’s hopefully smart enough to take the deal, declare victory, and move on to trying to get congress to pay the bills it’s already run up without defunding Obamacare.
Hey, how ’bout that George Zimmerman?
The incident stemmed from a visit by Shellie Zimmerman, who filed for divorce last week, and her father, David Bryant Dean. They came to the house the couple used to share to pick up some of her belongings.
George Zimmerman came to the house with a friend of his and got into a heated discussion with Dean, O’Mara said.
Shellie Zimmerman called police as George Zimmerman sat in his truck with his friend. On the 911 call, Shellie Zimmerman is breathing heavily when she tells a dispatcher that Zimmerman is still at the house.“He’s in his car and he continually has his hand on his gun, and he’s saying, ‘Step closer.’ He’s just threatening all of us with his firearm,” she says. Shellie Zimmerman also tells 911 that George Zimmerman punched her father in the nose, then smashed her iPad before getting in his truck.
“I don’t know what he’s capable of. I’m really, really scared,” she says.
Oh, I think you know exactly what he’s capable of, Shellie. Might I suggest that you and your dad arm yourselves before your next encounter and “stand you ground?”
Lots of storms rolled through here this morning, and now summer is set to return as we’re supposed to get up into the mid 90s today and tomorrow. Maybe there’s a little pool time this year after all.
Giving a man, who has assaulted his wife and police officer, a gun seems like a poor plan to me. But, I am not a Republican, all of whom have the ability to not only infuriate but to absolutely flummox me. I cannot understand what they think.
The NRA won last night recalling both of the Colorado state senators who thought some controls on deadly weapons were too much to bear. Lordy it’s like healthcare. Without it you are free to die so with it you can’t possibly be free.
But, most of all it’s the Christian stuff that gets me. Apparently, a Republican Christian must oppose helping the poor because ??? I guess Jesus would have risen up against ol’ Pontius if he had decided to feel the poor instead of nailing them to crosses. I guess if they weren’t starving they weren’t truly free.
In NYC DeBlasio seems to have won enough votes to avoid a runoff. A recount shall check that. But at least Christine Quinn, disciple of Bloomy, came in 3rd. And Joe Lhota, disciple of 9/11 Rudy won the endorsement of his fellow Repubs. Spitzer lost to Scott Stringer, a decent man but not as qualified as Spitzer for the job. But the best news, to me, is that the City Council sell-out, who represented Red Hook, and was constantly in just the right space to benefit from term limit extension, LOST to a more progressive and hopefully less crass Dem.
Watching MoJoke a while ago I saw Tweety waxing about how Rudy/Bloomers save and restored NYC and then did did a disgusted eye-roll when advised that a De Blasio election would end Ray Kelly’s Constitution stomping reign as police commissioner. It seems he has a problem with the smell of urine.
I hope that Spitzer finds a good and useful place to land. I hate seeing his talents wasted as a media personality. I like seeing him in a position where he can exact some pain.
I see Huma leaving Weiner quietly in the future. After Weiner’s exit interview with Lawrence O’Donnell Monday night, I would not be surprised if we saw Anthony in a George Zimmerman last gasp for attention moment sometime later.
As for Tweety’s diminishing future at (MS)NBC, fire Stretch first!
OMG! MSNBC is running the 9/11 tape as it happened. Somehow I think we have all been jolted, saddened and frightened sufficiently for 12 years. Drop it already. It is as if we enjoy the adrenalin rush. Surely there are other awful things we can commemorate. How about rerunning Hurricane Sandy or Irene tapes or the Tornado disasters. How about Columbine or the Aurora Theater massacre. :jason:
As in the great words of Miss Clavel: “Something is not right!”
I don’t think I am the only person who does not understand the Repubs. This guy has a successful radio show:
Fringe conservative radio host Alex Jones said this week that an effort to avert a U.S. attack on Syria with diplomacy was actually a United Nations plot for the extinction of the human race, which would be replaced by “globalists†like President Barack Obama who would become cyborgs by using “life-extension technologies.â€
On his Tuesday radio show, Jones said that efforts to have Syria place their chemical weapons under the control of the international community was a United Nations conspiracy to “come into any country they want, that has any type of weapons systems — and call them WMDs, and then dismantle that country’s infrastructure.â€
I was watching the replay of 9/11 until the laptop crapped out. I was interested in how the real time coverage was handled as opposed to now. I must say it was not perfect but it seemed a lot more measured and responsible. It was also interesting now knowing what we know and not knowing the unknown that is unknowable unless you know.
I am the last one to not want to ridicule repugs but I don’t think of Alex Jones as one. He may appeal to some teapubs like Beck but he is out there in a totally different lunatic fringe. Of course, I used to think the same thing about the John Birch Society.
:billcat: :tinfoil: :omg:
That’s comforting I’m glad the Rethugs have some place they are unwilling to go.
Ever since I moved to this area in 1972, talk of “The 100 Year Flood” has taken up residence in a part of my brain. All the foothills west of Boulder are an alluvial fan directing water right into Boulder creek.
It looks like it’s coming to pass when the governor is calling in COAST GUARD helicopters to rescue people in Lyon’s :omg:
They sent us home @ 1pm today and it’s supposed to be just as bad or worse tonight. We’re safe where we are but many of my colleagues live in Longmont and that’s looking bad.
Denver is getting hit just as hard.
art, I was getting ready to ask how you are doing. Good luck.
A moment of noise reduction, please.
Sound pioneer Ray Dolby of Dolby Laboratories dies at 80
:ear: 🙁 :cake: