It’s good to be back home. Got here yesterday morning, and felt pretty wiped out all day. In fact, I still feel pretty wiped out. On the bright side, it took a while, but now that I’m home, I’ve finally adjusted to Pacific Time. I think what I need to do tomorrow is go to work on PDT, and leave on EDT. Hopefully I can get fully readjusted before I have to adjust to falling back an hour next weekend.
If I can get my shit together, I’ll put my snow tires on today. And maybe take the mower off the tractor. Odds are, the best I’ll manage is to get my laundry done so I have something to wear to work in the morning (just the thought of having to go to work tomorrow makes me want to puke).
Speaking of puke, I see that Ann Coulter is going to be on Bill Maher next week. I really don’t understand why he has people (and I use the term loosely) like that on. There just doesn’t appear to be any value added to having them on. This week was kind of nice in that respect, though it wasn’t one of the better shows I’ve seen. Bill likes to get on his “mooslams suck more than other religious types” a bit too much for my taste. He likes to say that the Kristian Krazies aren’t out there shooting girls for trying to get an education or beheading adulterers And that’s true – but it’s not that they don’t want to, they just haven’t taken over our government yet (but they sure keep trying).
Keep thinking that they’re more “civilized” than those radical Islamics, Bill, and you just might wake up one day tied to a stake and smelling smoke.
Damn, 11:00 already? Or is it 8:00? I’m so confused. Whatever time it is, I guess I’d better go see about accomplishing something. Like at least unpacking my suitcase.
🙁 :gate: :blues: :bow:
That sucks.
Lou Reed, Velvet Underground Leader and Rock Pioneer, Dead at 71
New York legend, who helped shape nearly fifty years of rock music, underwent a liver transplant in May
You can get lost in here for a while.
btw, pj, glad you got home and not everything stays in Vegas.
It’s good to be home. I don’t think I’ll go anywhere ever again. At least, not if it involves a commercial flight.
I was woken-up in the middle of the night by a chattering noise which I couldn’t quite make out. It wouldn’t stop despite my wanting to just forget about it and go back to sleep.
It sounded like it was coming from the closet.
I picked up the bat I keep by the side of my bed for burglers and varmints. Opening my closet door I saw that it was only Chris Matthews plugging his new book “Tip and the Gipper”.
I just asked him to keep it down and went back to bed. :slap:
Wait until he comes out with his book about the Gores – Gip and the Tipper.
I had the misfortune to listen to a couple of minutes with Morning Joe and Charles Krauthammer who said conservatives think Liberals are stupid and Liberals think conservatives are mean.
Mean? Sure they’re mean, but Stupidity is their most outstanding quality followed closely by lying and fear.
From what little I see of Charlie K-Hammer lately, he is trying to make some distance between himself and the teapug freedumb wing that he enabled but is now out of control and trashing the ‘village’ and the con brand. Of course, he utilizes the Rove-Luntz tactic of taking your own weakness and your opponents’ strength and try to reverse it by trying to advance a ridiculous idea that the ‘Liberals’ are the stupid ones in this mix.