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Morning Seditionists

Government Shutdown – Day, What, Like Four?

Posted by pjsauter on October 4, 2013
Posted in Uncategorized  | 6 Comments

I shouldn’t be surprised by the chutzpah of the teabaggers and the Republicans they’re holding hostage over this shutdown shit, but, by golly, I am. How they can call Obama and the Democrats unreasonable, irresponsible, and unwilling to negotiate with straight faces is beyond me. And of course the media, predictably, covers the whole thing as a “stalemate” with “both sides” being intractable.

I really hope Obama doesn’t cave in, or we’ll just keep going through the same shit over and over again. The only way I’d be down with some sort of negotiation would be if they passed a long-term CR (like, a year) to fund the government with a statutory requirement to begin the process to reconcile the House and Senate budget bills by, say, October 15, no recesses for Thanksgiving or Christmas unless a budget is signed into law, and language that would permanently repeal the 1917 Debt Ceiling law. Then, maybe, I’d compromise on something or other (though I don’t know what – I can’t see Obama agreeing to delay the implementation of the mandatory insurance requirement, let alone repealing the ACA). But, sadly for America, I am not running the show.

The wife left for Minneapolis yesterday, so the dogs and I are on our own (other than the cats, of course, but they don’t really count, other than I suppose I have to feed them and stuff; I’d probably have to clean the litter box, too, but Bud seems to have taken that chore upon himself). This means that tomorrow I actually get to watch football on the big screen for a change, though that might not be all that fun considering the #3 team in the nation (Clemson) is coming to town, and SU has not exactly looked like a top ten team so far this year (at least, not against teams that don’t suck, though they did kick the shit out of Joe Montana’s kid with Joe looking on, so that was good).

If I was the type of person who actually did shit, I’d probably attend a few things at the Syracuse International Film Festival (hey, don’t laugh) that began Wednesday. Bob Goldthwait will be here (he normally comes back with his latest movie – in this case it’s “Willow Creek”), as will Joel Schumacher and a bunch of other folks. And it closes with a showing of “Adult World” with a “special surprise guest” (John Cusack maybe?).

But I try never to leave the house if I don’t have to go to work (except to buy beer). For one thing, it would mean getting dressed, and for another, it would mean having to use gasoline and what with my paycheck getting smaller all the time, I have to cut somewhere (and I am certainly not willing to drink cheap beer, though I really need to get back to home brewing).

It seems that in three weeks or so I have to go to a ColdFusion conference in Las Vegas. I really have no desire to go, to be honest. I hate flying these days (plus, who knows if we’ll still have Air Traffic Controllers and TSA people in three weeks – though w/o the TSA, flying will be easier and somewhat more thrilling), and Las Vegas really holds no appeal for me. Still, I’ve never seen it, and never would have the opportunity to go if I had to pay for it myself. So, I’ll go. The hotel we’re staying at looks pretty nice, and there’s a Yard House not too far from away. Oh, and there’s, like ColdFusion-type stuff, too. Fortunately, it’s only a two-day conference so I won’t have to be away from home for too long.

Oh well, I suppose I’d better get back to work. Have a good weekend.

Happy Birthday Yosemite

Posted by pjsauter on October 1, 2013
Posted in Uncategorized  | 15 Comments

If you go to Google today (and you know you will), you’ll see this “doodle” commemorating the 123rd birthday of Yosemite National Park:

Unfortunately, that’s about as close as you’ll get to it today (actually you could probably just sneak in), because, like every other national park and museum is closed thanks to the Teabag wing of the Republican Party. So congratulations to them.

I wonder if somebody had to go chase all the critters out of the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge before midnight last night?

It’ll be interesting to see how this ends – I really don’t see a way out unless the Senate Democrats somehow cave in to something or other. That must be the thinking (and I use the term loosely) among House Republicans, anyway. They must figure they can spin this as the Democrats being unwilling to “negotiate” (i.e., giving Republicans everything they want). I don’t see that working but, hey, you never know.

Ironically, one of the things that isn’t shut down is the rollout of “Obamacare” today – or, more specifically, the opening of the healthcare “exchanges” where hopefully some people can get insurance they can afford (though a lot of it is crappy insurance that doesn’t pay for much, apparently there are some relatively decent plans out there, and pretty good subsidies for some low-income folks). I suppose that all depends on what state you live in, too.

Nice thing about living here in NY is that we were proactive and got our exchange all set up and ready for this launch. So I figured I’d check out the site, check out the plans, maybe see how the premiums compare to mine…


Well, alrighty then. At least I know they’re using Drupal.

Sadly, I not only have to go to the office today, but I also have to work until five o’clock. Kinda sucks, but at least I have a job (for the time being) and health insurance. Sure would be nice to have a window, though.