Ah, what a good day it would be to live in Colorado or Washington State. Four-Twenty and Easter on the same day (for the first time since 2003, and not again until 2025. Hopefully by then pot will be legal in NY State, ‘cuz I’ll definitely be needing some. After, that it won’t happen again until 2087 and if I see that one, it’ll be in a different life). Weed, Peeps, and Chocolate Bunnies – tell me that doesn’t go together like, well, pot and potato chips or dope and Doritos or I guess marijuana and pretty much any food-type stuff. I can recall discovering the awesome combination of saltines and Miracle Whip back in college when there was nothing else in the apartment. And damn, they were good.
Apparently the in-laws are coming over to celebrate today (Easter, not 4/20, though I think smoking dope would do them some good – god knows it would help me), which is better than me having to go anywhere. And since I have tomorrow off, I could conceivably not have to leave the house until Wednesday morning. Except it would give me a chance to play with the new car radio.
Yes, I did manage to get that sucker installed (not that it’s exactly rocket science). The radio pocket tabs where the screws go kind of disintegrated when I took the old screws out, which meant I couldn’t reuse the top part, so I had to kludge it in a bit with the trim ring that came with the new radio, and then I had to cut off the bottom part of the old pocket and jam that in separately. Doesn’t all really fit perfectly, but it’s only noticeable when you’re looking for it. Since it’s pretty much only me in my car at any time, I reckon I can learn to live with it.
I found a replacement pocket online for about $10 and ordered it for when I feel motivated enough to unplug the 500 (okay, more like 7 or 8 I guess) wiring harnesses in the dash panel that are exactly long enough to pull the fucker out and get about two fat fingers behind to plug and unplug while you’re standing on your head trying to see the stupid sockets – god forbid they add an extra couple inches to the wires. Sometimes I think the Hyundai is in cahoots with the North Koreans.
Anyhow, whether you’re celebrating Easter, 4/20, the birthday of Raymond van Barneveld today, or just hanging out today, enjoy yourself. And stay away from the the Peeps. Seriously, they’re disgusting.