Ah, what a good day it would be to live in Colorado or Washington State. Four-Twenty and Easter on the same day (for the first time since 2003, and not again until 2025. Hopefully by then pot will be legal in NY State, ‘cuz I’ll definitely be needing some. After, that it won’t happen again until 2087 and if I see that one, it’ll be in a different life). Weed, Peeps, and Chocolate Bunnies – tell me that doesn’t go together like, well, pot and potato chips or dope and Doritos or I guess marijuana and pretty much any food-type stuff. I can recall discovering the awesome combination of saltines and Miracle Whip back in college when there was nothing else in the apartment. And damn, they were good.
Apparently the in-laws are coming over to celebrate today (Easter, not 4/20, though I think smoking dope would do them some good – god knows it would help me), which is better than me having to go anywhere. And since I have tomorrow off, I could conceivably not have to leave the house until Wednesday morning. Except it would give me a chance to play with the new car radio.
Yes, I did manage to get that sucker installed (not that it’s exactly rocket science). The radio pocket tabs where the screws go kind of disintegrated when I took the old screws out, which meant I couldn’t reuse the top part, so I had to kludge it in a bit with the trim ring that came with the new radio, and then I had to cut off the bottom part of the old pocket and jam that in separately. Doesn’t all really fit perfectly, but it’s only noticeable when you’re looking for it. Since it’s pretty much only me in my car at any time, I reckon I can learn to live with it.
I found a replacement pocket online for about $10 and ordered it for when I feel motivated enough to unplug the 500 (okay, more like 7 or 8 I guess) wiring harnesses in the dash panel that are exactly long enough to pull the fucker out and get about two fat fingers behind to plug and unplug while you’re standing on your head trying to see the stupid sockets – god forbid they add an extra couple inches to the wires. Sometimes I think the Hyundai is in cahoots with the North Koreans.
Anyhow, whether you’re celebrating Easter, 4/20, the birthday of Raymond van Barneveld today, or just hanging out today, enjoy yourself. And stay away from the the Peeps. Seriously, they’re disgusting.
Happy 4/20 Easter y’all! You want your eggs boiled or baked? Definitely tie dyed.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3hXstqo3H8&w=420&h=315%5D
:jesus: :bong:
Happy Birthday George.
OOH! New shaped commrent box this morning. Just in time to celebrate …. Mike wants to buy some trees, today. Sounds Eastery. No? I wonder if the place is open. In NYC a religious holiday usually means if one group is celebrating there is always another with open stores. Out here, Easter means everyone is closed. Fortunately we remembered to go food shopping yesterday. Have a happy everyone, especially George.
Tractor Supply is closed today. I think everybody else is open, though.
OK. I just watched that a few times. A friend is listed in the credits but I don’t see him on thie song. Always a favorite from when they did it here.
<iframe width=”420″ height=”225″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/frJP0J7SKi4″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
Kind of slapped my upside my teenage head. Kind of like the first time I heard Hey, Joe.
OK, looks like you can insert image links again. Use that little image icon thingie up there in the toolbar (
). Also, you can use the YouTube embed code. First you have to click the “Source” button on the toolbar. This prevents the editor from converting the tags. And you’ll see the underlying html in whatever else you’ve got entered.
Probably should also make sure you hit “Post Comment” while still viewing the source.
Cool. Sorry if I seemed a little abrasive the other day. Stress has gotten to me obviously.
Maybe it’s just the Chrome boswer I’m using, but it seems like the spellcheck function isn’t working. No bid beal — it’s a crutch I shouldn’t be so reliant on anyway.
The comment editor doesn’t seem to be loading either. There’s some glaring mistakes I made up there, but I guess that’s okay.
<img src=”http://i.historyorb.com/george-takei.jpg” alt=”George” width=”180″ height=”249″>
Guess I have to use the button for posting a pic. I’d really like to manually type the pic code, then wrap a link code around it.
Didn’t add <P> or </P> tags. Maybe that’s why it didn’t work.
<iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/MvI3Y9Kuk5E” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
I don’t get here enough but looking at everything going on here the last couple of days I’m kinda glad I missed all the drama. This certainly is a tolerant little group and I’m glad the headmaster gives the kids room to rant and then cool off.
Can’t wait to try the new embed process- I”ve never had any luck, not even with posting links lately.
BTW- the updated pot experience here in LaLa land is (so far) a little over-rated. I tihink I knew better what I was paying for 40 yrs ago It’s hard enough having enough energy to get anything done on a weekend at my age as it is. Don’t need to be wondering “am I high?…., so…………, what now?”
Yeah, things were fine with me back in the day when my dealer lived directly across from the Oswego police department and we’d go over there and get – to quote Carl Spackler – stoned to the bejesus belt, and then walk out with an LB. “Evenin’ officer, how you doin’ tonight?”
Sadly, I’m too old to figure out where to do that these days, and am just too darn pretty to do prison time.
So I’d like to be able to wander down to the Quickie Mart and pick up a 6-pack of buds.
Hah, looks like the clickable smilies don’t work anymore (again). Nor does the edit comment bax appear to be loading (or it’s just slow – everything seems really, really slow here) Let the hate mail begin….
OK, all the smilies can now be accessed via the smiley button up there on the toolbar.
Nope, the flash thing doesn’t work for those.
I forgot about the Source button. Sorry about the crummy posts. I don’t know where edit and delete went.
<iframe width=”420″ height=”225″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/gp_IManByJg” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
Letely I’ve been interested in understanding what encryption is. I never really thought about it much. Never had to really. Initially I scanned around the internet for the history of computers which led me to the Jacquard Loom, the census of 1890, Charles Babbage, Lord Kelvin, WII and the OP-20-G, Vannevar Bush with his differential analyzer and hypothetical Memex machine, Willam and Elizebeth Friedman, Bletchley Park and then eventually to the NSA.
During my scavenger hunt, I found a declassified article from the NSA released in 2002, I think entitled It Wasn’t All Magic, about computers and the war effort from the 1930-60s. I’m about 50 percent finished with the few hundred page text.
A huge emphasis for machines was for analyzing enciphered German and Japanese radio and telegraph messages. The German enigma codes were mostly analyzed in Great Britain and the Japanese Ultra Red and Purple radio transmissions mostly in the US.
Before Bletchley Park in GB, the Polish had started their Bomba effort but couldn’t make too much headway because they were invaded and didn’t have analytical machines. Eventually the Polish work was smuggled to GB and the Bletchley Park gang started feverishly on it.
The Bombe machine in GB I think was given its name from the Bomba work that stated in Poland. The US also had its Colossus machine, though I don’t know much about that yet.
The oldest encryption method that I’ve come across is called a Caesar cipher. It’s essentially a mod-26, for the English alphabet, or a simple shift or ROT cipher. There’s the Affine cipher that basically takes the shift cipher and adds a little more complexity but not much.
Current encryption basically deals in binary, mod-2, and has layers of encryption with random number generators, true random number generators, pseudo-random number generators and more. Basically the keys can be based on anything like noise, mouse movements, speed of key strokes and the like.
I guess I’ll stop here before I waste more of my day rambling about this.
Again, some glaring mistakes up there but I’m no genius. So it’s fine. The Colosses machine was British, too, not US based. Oh well. I should really know my shit before I start typing.
Guess that shows how smart I am.
If you haven’t seen this yet, you might be able to on PBS tonight.
Not sure how long this might be viewable. Long form.
The Milk Carton Kids, Live From Lincoln Theatre
April 21, 2014 Few duos possess voices and harmonies as sweetly beautiful as The Milk Carton Kids. In this full concert, recorded live in Columbus, Ohio, they share humor and heart in an unforgettable performance.
I hate this fucking city.
Cool – it works! Thanks, pj!