My long horrible week is finally (almost) at an end. Five days – two of them late ones – and on-call to boot. Fortunately I’m working from home today, which is a good way to get it over. Even better, I am making up for this week by taking Monday off, then working from home on Tuesday. So I won’t have to go to the office until Stupid Meeting Day. Then I took Thursday off, Friday, of course, is The Fourth (USA! USA! USA!) and then I have the following Monday off as well. This is gonna cost me a fortune in beer, but it’s worth it.
I’m also supposed to get an iPhone 5s for work next week, so I’ll be able to compare it with my HTC. I have to admit, I’m not terrible excited by it and frankly wish I’d just stuck with the 4s loaner. IOS just seems so…. Generic, I guess I’d have to say. Like you could pick up anybody’s phone and it would be pretty much exactly the same as anybody else’s. Which I suppose is the appeal.
Me, I don’t like to accept the default settings in life.
Oh well, every time I start to write something here, I get interrupted by work stuff – what the hell is wrong with these people? – so I guess I’d better get to it and kill the rest of this day.
I heard through the grapevine that somebody was looking for this:
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (aka, John Kerry Took
My Shoe)
Right click/save as to save.
Available at the MS Archives (filed under Misc Bits).
Ding-a-ling winner:
So this Okie, the Honorable Tim Murray, (“Honorable” I think because he is “Ambassador for the U.S. People”) alleges that the current Congress Critter is really dead and everybody knows it, dang nabbit. Everyone saw that Rep Lucas was hung in the Ukraine by the World Court and it was shown on live TeeVee. Republican Tim Murray ran against Rep Frank Lucas, who is evidently an imposter in Lucas’ body or a robot of some sort. (Since Lucas is a Repub., I may not dispute that point.) They say Murray garnered 5% of the vote, which pretty much affirms the current state of the Oklahoma educational system. There is more on this subject here and here.