Well, it’s Monday again. And not only the first Monday I’ve had to work since back in June, but also the start of a week of “support” duty for me. Normally this would be pretty depressing (and I’m not particularly thrilled about it), but this is a better Monday than most, since this is the start of the last week of my current life. So, hell, what’s one lousy week to get through?
Still, I’m quite exhausted today. But them I’m exhausted pretty much every day, because I don’t sleep for shit at night. And of course we all know that a study a few years back linked lack of sleep to an “early death.” There’s a thought that’ll keep you awake at night.
And now today there’s another study that says if you have a purpose in life, you’ll live longer.
In fact, people with a sense of purpose had a 15 percent lower risk of death, compared with those who said they were more or less aimless.
Not exactly good news for those of us wandering aimlessly through life because we can’t sleep. Oh well, as long as they don’t come out with a study that guys with a big beer belly and chronically high blood pressure are more likely to have a stroke or a heart attack.
Since the Ebola’s coming to get us all, I guess it doesn’t really matter.
Not sleeping was one of the biggest reasons I retired. Those nights when I would lie awake as the clock crept closer and closer to wake up time were maddening. And, when I got little or no sleep, I felt awful, my mouth tasted like metal and I had all I could do to work up the energy to face 35 kids.
I still have sleepless nights but I don’t care because I know I can sleep at any time. The weird part is that on sleepless nights I’m just as sleepy as I am when I get a good night’s sleep.
What are you going to be doing in your new job?
I’m gonna be a DBA – DataBase Administrator.
One of the best jobs of 2014!
Shit, that sounds like a lotta work.
“Busy hands are happy hands.”
(The motto of my childhood.)
Satanist Temple Demands ‘Hobby Lobby’ Style Religious Exemptions From Restrictions To Abortions
God bless ’em.
And the flood gates open…..
In Richmond, students seek to revive ‘Rebel’ mascot
I’m currently at t
he Republican headquartersmy parents’ house (whose beliefs are not Repbulican, but that never stopped them from voting for one) and in the mail today there were four solicitations for money tied to the need to impeach our President. Man, this must be a huge fundraising event for the GOP.PS It is hot as hell here. A salute to the Satanists, I suppose.
The summer has been relatively cool here. We’ve gotten to the low 90’s a couple of times, but mostly 70’s and 80’s. It’s 67 at the moment and expected to go lower overnight. Therefore there is no global warming because I, personally, am cool.
We’ve had some hot weather, but it’s cooled off quite nicely. Of course, we’re hoping for good pool weather starting this weekend for the invasion of the munchkins.
It’s funny – when it snows in the winter, they claim it’s proof that Climate Change is bullshit. But Greenland melting means nothing.
No, no. I heard John Boehner today, and he clearly said it was the Democrats who were the ones talking about impeachment and using it as a fundraising issue. It was on NPR, so I know it was true.
I changed up my routine a little today to go to the post office in the Haight because they usually have a good stamp selction. When I mail out my packages I like to make collages. Who would I see walking down the street but Marc Maron headed to a coffee shop. I went in and said hello. He seems to be doing well, just up to get away for a bit. I was just doing a little binge watching of his show the other day. I also got some good stamps. Civil War 1864 and there is no better place to buy Hendrix and Johnny Cash and Harvey Milk. They also had Shirley Chisholm and March on Washington. Janis coming soon!
Has anyone heard the expression, “Don’t talk like a man with a paper ass” ?
I heard this from my mudder today.
My mother used to say “you talk like you’ve got a paper asshole.”
Just how does someone with such a condition talk?
I was never really clear on the precise meaning or its etymology. I think it means something to the effect of “you talk like you know everything, but you really don’t know shit.” How this is related to the material your ass (or anal sphincter) was constructed with, I’m not sure. Seems more like you’d have some kind of a self-wiping situation going on, though it doesn’t seem terribly good from a hygienic standpoint.
I suspect it’s one of those WWII generation phrases, such as “she’s built like a brick shithouse.”
We saw him in Denver a couple of weeks ago. Made it a point to go to the early show cause he doesn’t suffer late show fools very well. I felt comfortable talking to him in Aspen years ago but now he’s like the guy you used to know back in the day but I feel like I would just embarrass myself now.
He had a great set and the crowd loved him.
I think he still appreciates the old fans. I didn’t try to bother him for a long time but he wasn’t looking to get away and remembered me. He did mention that some of the lod fans were unhappy that he had left the politics behind.
I think I shamed him into keeping me on his FB friends list by pointing out that we were with him before it was cool and that it’s dickish to dump your old friends just because you have a bunch of shiny new ones.
Good for you. I shamed him for bashing his older fans….. Guess I dated myself.
I guess I missed, forgot or forgave him bashing his old fans. He did say something the other about people criticizing him because he was off of the politics and Seder was pounding that beet. I haven’t seen a live Maron performance in years because of larger venues and crowds and ticket prices above my pay grade.
On a related note, a kerfuffle arose between Jim Earl and Andy Kindler on FB recently about atheism and religion. It got pretty heated.
Happy Birthday, Jerry.
That’s Garcia, not Warren Harding’s, um, jerry.
You fooled me for a moment. I was reading Warren Hellman, the late benefactor of the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival.
One of the best things of moving to SF in 1973 was a great club called The Boarding House where Old & In the Way played as well as a rising comedian/banjoista Steve Martin who was managed by John McEuen’s brother at the time. They both recorded there on a number of occasions.
I googled “paper asshole” and found the urban dictionary that agreed with the definitions PJ and OKat offered. But, their #2 definition was that the term referred to the round reinforcements that we used to keep looseleaf paper from tearing around the metal rings. I remember those things. They were a pain and only served to make the paper tear a wider hole. I think paper assholes is a perfect name for them.
I remember having those reinforcement things that glued on to make the holes whole again. What would you call the carnage of the fringe that results from removing paper from a spiral notebook?
Yeah, I remember those things for my “loose leaf binder.” The key was to reinforce both sides of the hole, but even then there was no guarantee.
According to the Urban Dictionary, those are called “kadoobies.”
Hey, you legal and English teacher types out there, in this bullshit Obamare ruling, the 3 judge panel ruled:
Now, couldn’t the phrase “the State” be used to describe the Federal Government (or the “nation state”)? I mean, like the Department of State could be the US Dept. of State, or the NY Department of State. Wouldn’t the state of New York refer to NY, whereas “the State” (with a capital S) refer to kind of any governmental entity (since you capitalize a word when you use it as a proper noun – for instance, you can have an internet connectiing two corporate sites, but “the Internet” refers to a specific public network)?
I mean, like, when you talk about the separation of Church and State, you’re not just talking about Methodists and New Jersey.
I am neither the lawyer or English teacher although just about everyone in my family were one or the other. Everything I see and hear here assuming it is the decision I think it is is this is a tortured ruling and will not stand when and if that circuit considers it en banc.
It is horribly sad that so much energy and money is being expended to deny health care to millions of previously uncovered folks.
Yeah, I agree. Just seems the simple logic would be where it says the State it means the State and not the state. But if you want the law to fail then I guess simple logic doesn’t work.
The court strictly construed the language, which isn’t necessarily “wrong.” It’s just their way of looking at things. After perusing the Halbig decision, I do note that the act defines state. This could be to include DC, however. Don’t you think if they meant only one of the 50+1 states, they could have written, a state exchange? “The” state seems to almost imply what pj suggests. I don’t think I share the Halbig’s court interpretation and I find the IRS reasonable in their interpretation. (Wow, that’s a first.)
The ACA defines state, ““State” to “mean each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia” 42 U.S.C. §18024(d)
Because no legislation is complete without regulating the medical care of half of our nation’s population, I did see Mr. Obama’s preamble included the following. :
Strict Compliance with Prohibitions on Abortion
Funding in Health Insurance Exchanges
The Act specifically prohibits the use of tax credits and cost-sharingreduction payments to pay for abortion services (except in cases of rape or incest, or when the life of the woman would be endangered) in the health insurance exchanges that will be operational in 2014. The Act also imposes strict payment and accounting requirements to ensure that Federal funds are not used for abortion services in exchange plans (except in cases of rape or incest, or when the life of the woman would be endangered) and requires State health insurance commissioners to ensure that exchange plan funds are segregated by insurance companies in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles….
First day at the new job! Good luck!
Nah. First day of vacation. I’m not back till next Tuesday.
Even better. Enjoy!
An honor, of course, but what does the Princeton Review really know about partying?
I don’t even think Princeton is the party school of the Ivy League. It seems like WVU used to top some of those surveys and well as Chico State and UCSC.