The weather around here hasn’t been horrible, but it hasn’t really cooperated the way we would have liked, what with the munchkins in for a visit. After a mostly OK day Monday, an unexpected (by me, anyway) downpour dumped almost four inches of rain on us in 90 minutes. Rather impressive. It rained a bit Tuesday night, and rained again yesterday afternoon as we attempted to celebrate four or five or something summer birthdays and it hasn’t been all that warm, either. Hey, it’s August here – let’s get some drought conditions going. We’ll be closing up the pool in about a month, ferchrissakes.
Otherwise, it’s been nice to have a few days off. I can’t really recall the last time I took a whole week vacation (not that it was probably all that long ago – I just can’t remember), so it’s probably gonna be tough to get back into the swing of things next Tuesday.
So I’m sure you saw that “Nearly 40% Of Those On The Government’s Terrorist Watchlist Have ‘No Affiliation With Recognized Terrorism Groups’” according to
Didn’t see this back in July when it was on CBS Morning News:
Also, just because….
(The reporter dude on this one is an SU guy who used to be on the morning lo-cal news here, too!)
Marc was on with Sam Seder on The Majority Report Friday. You can check it out on YouTube or iTunes.
What a shitty monday
Robin Williams
Horribly sad news.
Nanu Nanu
I heard about that on my way home from the Haight and upon getting back to my desk found a FB message from an old friends husband that she had died last week of a heart attack.
I met Robin a couple of times. Once he did a day of phoners from the Casablanca Records promotional office where I worked. Everybody was in the office overtime waiting him to come out and when he finally did, he stood around making small talk. I had taken a blown up display of a record cover of something we were selling and changed the ‘B’ to and ‘F’ with some Liquid Paper and hung it on the office wall. Only one other person was aware of it and no one ever noticed until Robin did when he looked up and said “Fuckeye? Is that really a band?” He always seemed to be very unaffected by it all and was a very sweet guy. Maron did a nice WTF with him a while ago.
Robin’s comedic inspiration and later friend was Jonathan Winters who also had his personal struggles and spent several periods in mental hospitals. Somewhere out there it just got a little funnier.
I hope they both have finally found peace.
Nice story, Vern.
We will re-post the
@WTFpod with Robin Williams from April 2010 within the hour. The world will miss that guy.#RIPJust catching up for the day. I am blown away. Hard to believe Robin Williams checked out so young.
heartbreaking. Yikes. So totally unexpected — who isn’t depressed these days with the planet going to hell because of the Evil-Doers in charge, but I wonder what really happened with RW. Don’t know if we’ll ever find out. Doesn’t matter, I guess, he’s not in this dimension any more. Will miss him 

On the upside, he and George Carlin must be cutting up Big Time on the Other Side!!

I don’t have much doubt what happened. He has struggled with ‘demons’ for decades. I had a friend who took his life last year. I knew he was troubled but we did not know how much. He was alone for a few days. He was on the phone earlier in the morning. By noon he was gone. I need to check in with his wife tomorrow.
There’s no rhyme or reason to when and how hard it will hit to the degree where a person cannot get back. I get angry when I hear people call it a selfish act because I think it comes from profound depth pain, hopelessness and helplessness beyond control or escape.
This has a pretty raw new remembrance at the beginning. There is some talk in the middle about the SF comedy scene back in the 70s and a name or two I never thought I would ever hear again.
Remembering Robin Williams
Robin Williams passed away on August 11, 2014. This is Marc’s conversation with Robin from April 26, 2010, as well as Marc’s reflections about the great comedian and actor.