I’m sure we’re all shocked that the Grand Jury in Ferguson failed to indict the cop who, through no fault of his own, shot a black kid to death for walking down the middle of the street. Or something. Gee, who coulda seen that one coming?
In other news, it was 72° here yesterday, which is pretty good for the 24th of November. In fact, it was a record. I wish I could say it was going to stay that way for a while but, sadly, it’s not. In fact, they say a Nor’easter is rolling in for tomorrow, though right now it looks as though it will stay to the east of me. You folks on the coast, though…. Well, I just hope there won’t be any flooding from it.
I’m home alone here with the critters, as the wife left yesterday for balmy Minneapolis. She took puking cat to the vet before she left for a shot of cortisone that will hopefully keep her from puking for a while. The tumor is a big bigger, apparently, and the cat has lost some weight. Hopefully she’ll feel better for a while.
In other animal-related news, one dog seems to have a hole in his leg, and the other has a hole next to his eye. I don’t know when all that happened, but I hope whatever they were doing, they knock it off. I don’t need anything more to worry about.
Assuming they (and I) make it through the day without killing or being killed, I’m at least home with them tomorrow and Thursday. After that I’ll really have to worry until I get back (hopefully) Sunday night.
And of course there seems to be no end to the mouse supply around here. I was pleased to find no new ones waiting for me when I got home last night, but I heard the unmistakable “snap – flop” sound twice more before I went to bed, and I saw at least one more waiting for me this morning (I’m waiting for the coffee to kick in before I go harvest the crop).
I ordered some stinky stuff that’s supposed to keep them away (my sister swears by it) to put in my basement and garage. Some kind of pine-smelling potpourri-type stuff. It should at least be easier on my nose (and eyes) that the fox piss/cayenne pepper spray I’ve been using. Hopefully it’ll work (if not, I ordered more traps, too).
Oh well, time to do some rodent disposal.