Except for the heat, that is. Much like Oklahoma, it’s gotten really hot and humid around here (not Oklahoma hot, of course, but yesterday was the hottest day of the year here at 93°, and today should be the third day in a row that it’s gotten into in the 90s). The normal high temperature for this time of year is about 75°, and it’s looking like we won’t get lower than the current 76°. So, yeah, for us, that’s hot.
Not only is it hot, but it’s also back to work today after four days off. As if that thought wasn’t revolting enough, it’s also back to school day (whatever happened to “Black Wednesday”? They start on Tuesday now?), so we have to fight the damn school buses on the way in. I’ve expressed my annoyance with school buses in the past (I just wrote the check for the annual school taxes, and may I just reiterate that for the amount of money I’m paying, the goddamn kids and buses should have to yield to me) so I won’t get into it again (it’s too hot to get all worked up). Suffice it to say, after dealing with construction all summer, it just makes for one more big old pain in my ass.
In fact, I’m thinking of starting a new religion. I don’t have all the details worked out yet, but one the central tenets will be “Thous shalt not yield to school buses, school children, not those in crosswalks.” So “the man” netter not even think about infringing upon my religious beliefs.
On top of that, summer is basically over. It starts getting dark really early, really fast from here on out. In a month, the sun will be setting by about 6:30 – and I still have an overwhelming amount of things I need to get done to get ready for winter.
But first I guess I better get ready for work.
So long summer, you will be missed.
Oh, and I forgot to say that I’m somewhat disappointed that nobody noticed when I changed the banner image a while back. Especially since it’s one I took myself from the front yard (though I suppose it’s cheating a bit, since it’s not a morning sunrise photo, but a sunset instead).
I noticed it but I was afraid to say anything fearing it may have been that way a long time or maybe that you were about to sunset the MS blog.
Looks like I changed it back on August 9th.
Figure it at least needs to make it until November 28th – 10 year anniversary, hard as that is to believe.
I did notice, actually. I was away for a bit and when I came back, there it was. I like it! I apologize for not mentioning it.
I was away as my mom did pass away. It’s been really tough, as I know many of you have also experienced.
Oh, sorry to hear that. My dad died 21 years ago today, and I can’t say as I’ve really ever gotten over it. But after a while the good feelings stand out more than the sad ones.
Thanks guys. {insert broken heart}
I am so sorry. I was wondering how things were going. Was this in eastern WA during all of those fires.
I lost my mom several decades ago. We were a little bit estranged so I he are relationship peeled away the longer I was out out closer ot here. My Dad and I got closer through the years after that and I still miss him, especially the pre and early dementia patient. I saw him more after mom passed. I couldn’t hang around the old RVa ‘homestead’ more than 18 hours when she was there.
Sorry about that but I just got up and it just came out. I wasn’t trying to hijack. I gutress I am a little jealous of people who had better parental relationships than mine.
I am seriously sorry for you loss, OKat. I bet you have plenty of great memories to help comfort you for the rest of your life.
Thank you Vern. No need to apologize. I’m sorry for your loss, too. I know you got very close to your dad. I think now that losing any parent, no matter the relationship, is difficult.
I am going to STFU and back to basics posting videos on FB. Apparently I don’t remember how to do it here anyway so not to worry.
You may need some Dramamine® to watch this. Maybe not up to my usual tedious quality standards but I find it interesting.
This is just too hot for us here in the Great White North.
That was about when I noticed it. I am house/dogsitting. Turns out it will be in the 90s all week. There is a pool.
Yesterday my car said it was 100 degrees in my parents driveway (Syracuse). It was a few degrees cooler here in the country.
Enjoy the pool, Vern. Maybe doggie will join you for a dip if he/she doesn’t have pool-o-phobia like ours do. They’ll go into the muddy sump pond and get covered with mud but no clean water for those dirtballs. Only time any of them actually came in contact with pool water was when Fritz fell in the pool by accident. That was traumatic, but he’s a good swimmer and got to the steps without a problem.
I’ve been working on getting the garage cleaned out & organized (sort of) after 5 yrs of being here & I have been in the pool 3 times already today & will probably go in at least one more time. There probably won’t be a whole lot of pool time left this year. Wish we could build a dome over it and enjoy it all year round. Oh, well. Not likely in this lifetime.
OKat, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. It’s never easy to go through. But, as PJ says, it gets better.
Lola went to the beach with the doggie day care woman who takes the “well behaved” pooches once a summer. (I am no sure how Lola got to be in that group.) Lola is willing to get her legs wet while the other dogs go swimming.
I stayed awake long enough to watch the new Late Show with Colbert. A decent first effort and I think he will end up with a great Late Show.
I saw the clip of “Everyday People.” Not bad, but not enough Buddy Guy for me.
Finally, some good news. My favorite crazy fucking millionaire, John McAfee, has filed paperwork to run for Prez.
I thought he was on the lam.
Well, he skipped out of Belize and went to Guatemala, where they caught him. So he faked a heart attack to delay his extradition long enough for his lawyers to get him extradited to Miami or something.
I can’t tell you what a disappontment this is. It breaks my heart but as much as possible I’ll be taking my bidness elsewhwere.
Wow, that’s a surprise. I hope they don’t make them put it in green bottles.
I was going to snag a 22 oz Hop Stoopid for this weekend while at the store this afternoon, but decided to go in another direction.
I am sure I will still drink a Lagunutas brew now and then. I am tempted to get a 6 of Little Sumpin’ Extra for the weekend. I’ll just be redirecting some of my purchases in the future.
Actually, upon further review, it turns out that while I was thinking of putting back the Hop Stoopid, apparently I didn’t, ‘cuz there it is in my fridge. Must’ve gotten distracted. Or I’m just plain stoopid.
You ever hear the description ‘pre-CBS’ re Fender guitars? You bought that Stoopid wisely. It is pre-Heiny. Enjoy and savor! I wish it was a Hop Stoopid that I spilled on this beautiful rug here instead of red wine. At least the dog I am sitting seems to have accepted me. The miracle of the pork baby back ribs. I thought the bones were OK but now the owner is making them sound like chicken bones. Oh well, he still likes the meat, just less for me. Then again, my shift is almost over. Just like everywhere else around here, Marin County is very changed probably headed for the worst. It was nice to be here for a week and catch up with some friends. If I won the lottery, I would not move here or back to SF.
I am not sure I mentioned this but Biden with Colbert, bring out the hankies. I like Bernie a lot but I love Joe. I am sure I would have taken a little flack 8 years ago for being anti-HRC. I keep trying to feel better about her and then she reminds us she is just another neo-con. If there is flack to be taken now, here we go.
I would love to see a woman PotUS. I don’t need a woman who is trying to prove she can be just as strong as a man. There are dozens of womens I would embrace openly as a candidate (I’m talking to you, Amy K!).
I’m a big Biden fan. I think he’s a genuinely nice guy. All the people who knew him and his first wife back when they were in Syracuse have good things to say about him. Unfortunately the lazy media (including the former Daily Show host) decided that he’s a buffoon and that’s the brush they will forever paint him with.
I don’t think Clinton even knows why she wants to be President. I think she’s been driven to it for so long that it’s an end, not a means. And I think the Republicans have 20 years of mud saved up to throw at her.
I just can’t imagine Trump or Bush 3 or Cruz or Huckleberry or Fiorina or….
Let’s face it, they all suck on that side of things.
I actually have a fondness for Fiorina.
I was cruising along fine until I read that there, Vern. That is quite sexist. Just because a woman is running doesn’t mean she’s trying to prove she can be just as strong as a man. And PJ, people don’t ask why say, Rick Perry, wants to run. We need some equality, guys. Women have to be nice, and good and can’t be too manly…. ARGH!!! All the candidates are a bit nut to run, even Biden and Bernie, in my book. There are a lot of good things about Hillary. She’s not my favorite, but don’t attack the woman in her PULEEZE
I do.
Okat, forgive me. You know I just didn’t say it right. I gave up and just posted I trusted my friends here would set me straight. I have spent several hours trying to make a better response and they ended up in the mist somewhere. Now evacuation time is nigh.
So this week I took shots from a guy who inflamed my FB post on the Lagunitas/Heiekin and Niman/Perdue buy-ins and a day later called the thread ‘tedious’ when it had only flared up because of him. I know I stuck my fork in a few toasters while trying to break thru with George, the Dog. I have enjoyed my stay here but I need to get home. Then if y’all don’t see me for a while or ever again I am probably trying to craft internets posts that are coherent and not subject to misunderstanding.
Good news is I have gotten two inquiries about work, one actually very interesting and something I thought about before moving to V-Jo but I had not recovered from the move to try to pursue.
Monkey caught after roaming around a Kentucky neighborhood
Apparently the monkey ran away rather than issue marrigage certificates to same-sex couples. He was also demanding that KY schools stop teaching evolution, because he was insulted at the notion that he and humans share a common ancestor.
I read something recently by an archaeologist that described how the shapes of human ancestors’ shoulders could shed light on when the divergence of tree-living to walking upright occurred. Kind of interesting.
Ancient alcohol: Primates first consumed booze 10mn years ago – study
Hmm. I wonder if Maron will be able to interview David Letterman since Letterman has so much free time now that he’s retired.
You’d think I’d have free access to bonus content on Maron’s site since I’ve been posting here for almost 10 fucking years.
fyi if anyone cares, Jim Brown, former S’cuse All-American lacrosse star was on The Daily Show tonight and was on Chris Hayes’ ALL IN a day or two ago.
In case you’re in the market for a micro sd card: http://phandroid.com/2015/09/11/samsung-microsd-deal-amazon/
16GB for $8.72
32GB for $11.99
64GB for $18.74
128GB for $64.99
Just in case you all don’t think we appreciate life in this state, I give you Senator Inhofe:
I can’t go a day — unless I stay inside — without some dipshit holding their nose at me. I wonder when I leave the country if that will stop.
Looks like the blog is a little messed up — at least browsing in Chrome.
I am going to STFU and back to basics posting videos on FB. Apparently I don’t remember how to do it here anyway so not to worry. You may need some Dramamine® to watch this. Maybe not up to my usual tedious quality standards but I find it interesting.
I’ve always loved that song. Roger’s getting downright personable in his old age.
Now this…
Three-time NBA MVP Moses Malone dies at age 60
I know it shouldn’t matter, but I like him better when he’s not dressed like a duck.
Long story short…
I saw Elton open for Leon Russell
during those few weeks before he became a superstar in 1970. I love how that could happen back then. Fillmore East-NYC and Elton answers the call wearing pajamas. At the end of his set, he revealed a ducky sewn into the crotch with a string light up its beak,
This is the day I moved to SF in 1973. It took ’em 41 years to get rid of me.
My brother got to see Derek and the Dominos with Duane Allman in Syracuse in 1970. He told me they put up a curtain because they only used half of the War Memorial for that show.
The warm-up act was a band called Toe Fat, and Elton John was #2 on the bill.
I saw Derek about 6 weeks earlier at The Fillmore East. I bought the tix the same day I got my Leon/Elton ducats. Way off to stage right but front row. I had similar seating success in RVa in HS, front row for the early show and Jimi Hendrix (with Fat Mattress and Soft Machine). Light attendance to say the least.
Posted for the millenery content later in the clip.
“People need trains.”
I’m so jealous of the fabulous, fine and fun Queen millinery!!
(Thanks, Vern!)
Roger Waters on Donald Trump: ‘He Is Pig-Ignorant’
Pink Floyd co-founder calls presidential candidate the “epitome of anything that might be considered bad”
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/roger-waters-on-donald-trump-he-is-pig-ignorant-20150915#ixzz3lqcjmSvr
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook
Yeah, I saw that. Calls for a new word: “pignorant.”
So, our friends the Saudis are getting ready to execute this 21 year old kid for being in a protest when he was 17. First they’re gonna behead him, and then they’re gonna tie his body to a cross and leave it to rot.
I wonder if Obama considers that drone-worthy?
Who is more untouchable, Israel or the Saudis?
Tough call there.
The Saudis are planning to make nuclear power stations within the next decade or two, and depending where they get the fuel — Iran could be a player soon — will set up the cards for a confrontation down the line.
I think I read recently that Warren Buffett is making a bank of sorts for nuclear fuel — which is currently unnecessary, but likely to be more so in the future. I doubt Iran and Saudi Arabia will ever come to an economic agreement regarding uranium 235 or any other radioactive material, but you never know. The largest uranium mine is in Russia, in Mir, Yukutia, I think — and I bet they currently dominate the world market. There’s also new technology, too, like VOX, to extend the lifetime of fuel, so buying used fuel is also a possiblity.
Another tidbit: During the cold war, the US bought titanium from Russia, then built jet aircrafts, like the A-10 Warthog, to fight against them in a proxy war. So, economies are sometimes still bound even in unstable political climates, which is why I say ‘you never know’ in regards to Iran and the Saudis eventually making a deal. .
I had to put my cat, Weezie, to sleep today, She was 17 1/2. In 1998 I found her abandoned in my backyard in Red Hook. She grew up to be a feisty cat who liked the company of the dogs more than that of her fellow cats. Yesterday, a bunch of tests revealed that her kidneys were not doing well and she stopped eating. I tried not to cry in the vet’s office. I almost made it out the door.
Sorry, Sue. I remember my mom spent maybe 10 grand trying to keep her terrier alive — without too much success. It’s heart breaking to lose a companion like that, but at least Weezie went out without too much pain and suffering — and Bill Frist didn’t experiment with open heart surgery on her.
Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. I know how hard it is.
I think I need to find some friends, or I just might kill myself.
I don’t see my comments on the recent comments section on the sidebar, so maybe I’ve been blocked or ignored. If that’s the case, fuck all of you.
I’ve tried posting on Maron’s WTF website recently, and my comments aren’t appearing. Maybe I’ve been filtered there as well. I pretty much fucking hate all of you anway, so it doesn’t much matter.