Every year, some buffoon trots out the idea of doing away with today’s holiday (which is probably only a holiday for state and federal workers, but, hey, since I’m one of those I aint gonna complain). I have no real affection for Columbus (other than I kind of get a kick out of celebrating somebody who thought he was in India and gets credited for discovering a place where people were already living and where the Vikings were already playing football some 500 years before him), but we need more holidays around here, not fewer. So if you want to rename it “Native American Day” or something (think of the irony in that one – not to mention the holiday sales event on cigarettes and a free spin at the slots) that’s fine – just don’t take my day off away.
Personally, I like to think of this as the kickoff to the end of year non-productivity season, which really doesn’t start to ramp up until we approach Thanksgiving (yet another day of irony for those of native descent). Usually about a week out from T-Day, people (especially those with kids) start taking days off making it blessedly impossible to schedule meetings. After Thanksgiving, there are seemingly daily holiday parties, more vacation time, and of course people trying to hawk their kids’ boy scout popcorn or pawning off raffle tickets for some do-gooder event or other.
Basically, the only thing that really goes on between Thanksgiving and the Super Bowl is that people sit around and think of things the DBA and Server guys need to do. URGENTLY (and at the last minute)! Typically things they’ve twiddled their thumbs over for months and then it’s “oh, by the way, we a serve set up and a database installed on it by tomorrow.”
This is what you get when you have non-IT people running IT projects. They seem to think that it’s better to hire people with clinical experience for IT jobs (because you can teach any moron how to do IT type things) than to get people who have at least some technical background. You know, the people whose résumés typically include “proficient in Microsoft Office” (and even that is usually a lie).
Oh well, today is “close the pool” day (always a sad moment). I usually do this a bit earlier in the year (like, mid to late September), but this year I wanted to let the water get nice and cold (under 60) first, so hopefully we’ll have less to do when we open it back up again. Guess I better get another cup of coffee and then get busy.
@MicheleBachmannHappy 90th birthday, Margaret Thatcher. It was a privilege for me to attend your funeral. http://www.steynonline.com/7230/the-uncowardly-lioness …
Very funny, pj! Maggy Thatcher and Ronnie Raygun…them there was some stellar years.
Is anyone watching the debates? It seems too early to watch such things.
I actually watched the whole debate.
I saw most of it twice. Unfortunately it’s not as entertaining as the repug confabs.
One for Maggie….
I didn’t watch any of it. Frankly, I’m trying to ignore all this as much as I can (it’s just not right to have to suffer through this for well over a year).
They need to do it the way they do in the UK, where there’s typically about a one-month campaign before the national election. Plus they ban paid radio and TV advertising or any ads on matters of “political or industrial controversy.” And they have a cap on what the parties can spend – regulated by their Electoral Commission.
Credit Suisse report finds 1% now own half of world’s wealth
But the taxes, man. The taxes are killing these unfortunate job creators.
Mourning Remembrance available at Amazon – print and Kindle editions.
The TPP is BAD.
Wow, TPP looks very bad.
In the end, this probably won’t turn out to be a structure built by aliens, but wouldn’t it be nifty if we were on the cusp of getting definitive proof that there is intelligent extraterrestrial life out there?
It’s supposed to freeze tonight. Did you get snow PJ?
Yep, woke up to an inch or so of snow on the deck Sunday morning. The ground isn’t cold enough enough yet to allow for much to accumulate there. A few fluffies off and on during the day yesterday, and we got a little more overnight. Nothing to worry about just yet, but kinda cold.
I know I’m quite thrilled by it.
I can’t even imagine snow right now. We’ve had a very warm dry Fall thus far. Things are about to change soon, they say. I sure hope so. I am incredibly sick and tired of mosquitos.
Is there any good reason for the mosquito to continue its existence on this planet? You can maybe make an argument for a fly, but a mosquito?
Mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, deer flies, black flies – I see no reason for any of them. Not a very intelligent design, if you ask me.
This is what the folks in Oswego County (just to the north of us) woke up to on Sunday morning.
That looks refreshing! It’s a bit early, isn’t it?
It’s not typical to get that much snow so early, but it’s not unheard of, either. The air was cold and a band of Lake Effect snow set up and didn’t move, so they got dumped on.
This time of year, you can expect just about anything. It doesn’t generally last long, but you never know. There have been years when it started in October and never really stopped until April. That’s kind of what it did the year we moved out to where we are now. I was plowing the driveway at least twice a day almost every day for five or six months.
Last year was no picnic, either. The snow was so high the damn dogs were just walking over the fence. It go to where I had to go out with them when they went out or they’d take off after the deer (who were walking over the fence the other direction, to get in the yard to find something to eat.
We’re really hoping for a milder winter this year – getting too old for this shit. But as you said, at least it kills off the bugs.
Homan Square revealed: how Chicago police ‘disappeared’ 7,000 people
No, this is not something that happened many years ago….truly horrific that this is happening in the old U.S. of A. The Ministry of Defense in Baghdad is where I thought this behavior occured…. what the hell?
Farewell, Marty.