It’s not supposed to totally suck this weekend, so I really need to get a couple of things done. First off is to cut the grass one last time and maybe put the cab on (but maybe not – we’ll have to see). I also need to finish up some fencing. There’s plenty more to do, too, but if I just get those things done, I’ll be satisfied.
Yesterday I took the car in for its 10,000 mile checkup, which was relatively painless. They have a good system at the dealer and their waiting room is comfortable and has WiFi (though I guess pretty much everybody does these days). They of course also have a teevee and it unfortunately was tuned to CNN (I suppose it could have been worse), and other than a couple minutes of Hurricane Patricia talk, it was all about Hillary at the Benghazi committee.
How anybody could try and spin that charade as anything but Hillary looking intelligent and competent (I mean, seriously – if I was conspiracy minded, I’d suggest that the whole thing was designed by Republicans to make Hillary look good, presumably because the thought of President Trump or Carson scares them almost as much as President Sanders) and the Republicans looking like idiots, I don’t know.
But that conservative twit I’ve seen on Bill Maher (a prime example of why I just can’t stomach watching Bill anymore) – “C” Cupps or whatever her name is – sure did try. I’ve never seen her out in the wild before (not being a CNN kinda guy), but goddamn she’s just as irritating on CNN as she is on HBO. And of course the rest of the gang did their best to be “fair and balanced”
“Democrats on the committee said is was bullshit. But Republicans said ‘nu-uh.”
Thank goodness I was in and out in about an hour – any longer, and I’d have screamed.
As much as the whole Trumpmentum thing confounds me, I find the rise of Ben Carson (whose slogan should be “Ben Carson – He’s One of the Good Ones”) even more astounding. I mean, at least Trump has name recognition). But I guess Republicans just like what Carson has to say.
According to the survey of likely Iowa Republican caucusgoers, 81 percent approved of Carson’s comment that Obamacare is the “worst thing that’s happened in this nation since slavery;” 77 percent said they liked his statement that Hitler’s rise could have been stopped if German citizens had had guns; and 73 percent liked his concerns about a Muslim becoming president.
Among the respondents, 96 percent said they find Carson’s “common sense” attractive, and 89 percent said they like that he is guided by his faith, according to the poll. Only 32 percent of those surveyed believe Trump is a committed Christian.
Maybe I’m biased, but when I think of Ben Carson, “common sense” is about the last thing that comes to mind.
Speaking of Hitler, I bet a lot of “moderate” Germans never thought somebody like him could possibly come to power. Here’s hoping we don’t wake up on November 9th 2016 thinking, “damn – never saw that one coming.”
Carson is very strange. He does not seem to make much eye contact as he looks up more than at the person interviewing him. He is always closing his eyes as if he is blinking in slow motion. Then he quietly says something that is mean or wrong or racist.
I haven’t seen the show posted yet. I has become a little hard to watch. Tough week fo my newer streaming schemes.
The woman is S.E. Cupp. She was a charter member of The Cycle on MSNBC which I imagine did not sit to well with the others. One time I think it was Jonathon Capeheart referred to her as Sarah, her first name. She recoiled in shock and Capeheart had a big grin on his face like he knew exactly what he was doing. She was soon replaced with Abby Huntsman who was an imrovement if just for the fact Huntsman is not obnoxious.
Cupp is now a host on the CNN’s revived Crossfire and joins a line of RW a**wholes who have sat in the con chair. I thought Jon Stewart had destroyed it forever. I never watch CNN anyway.
I watched Hilliary and those damn fools. What a show. She was amazing, frankly.
My pop is living with us now and he gets all this mumbo jumbo rethug crap (I try to mail in as many empty pre-paid postage envelopes as possible).
A Carson booklet came and the guy spent a chapter talking about how he and Ike Eisenhower are totally alike and soul mates. Carson is bat-shit crazy. (FYI that booklet was intercepted even though my pop is not that stupid, thank gawd.)
I’m with ya on mailing in the empty pre-paid postage envelopes, OKat. It took about 5 years but AARP finally stopped sending me shit after I just kept stuffing their pre-paid postage envelopes with the applications for insurance or whatever that they kept sending me & marking it all up in black marker that said “TAKE ME OFF YOUR GODDAM MAILING LIST”. I don’t know how much it cost them, but it did take them a while to stop after many, many such mailings. I don’t see too many mail offers for wonderful insurance or credit cards with prepaid postage envelopes any more these days. I must have offended the senders of such things by sending their shit back to them and making them pay for it.
Watched several Ring of Fire episodes tonight — they are in full agreement with you about Carson being bat-shit crazy. They said he may be a very good doctor, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be bat-shit crazy. Human beings are odd creatures who can become very proficient at complex skills without having discernment about how the world really works. I see it all the time in Hospital Land.

I heard someone once say you could take the pre-paid envelopes and tape to a brick and drop in the mail but I guess you would have to take it into the PO these adys.
Ben Carson says he’s soft-spoken now — but he hasn’t always been so calm.
“As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. And, of course, many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone,” Carson said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.
He did leave a sponge in someone’s brain once…you win some lose some, I guess.
So if we keep getting this mail, I like the idea of taping the envelope to a very large box – thanks for the suggestion!
I wonder if Carson’s on meds. He says he started reading Proverbs and never had a problem with anger again.
You know, for a long time I was thinking it was all an act with him, but I’m starting to come to the conclusion that he really and truly is mentally ill.
And the teabaggers absolutely adore him.
Proverbs seems to be the Soma of the Righteous, or maybe God just puts something in their water. I went to nursing school with a Born Againer who was a big Proverbs fan. She was kind of a pain in the ass.
Eww — sponge in brain — that could give you quite a headache. Wonder if he started with the Proverbs before or after that happened.
I’m guessing Proverbs is a book in the bible or something? Or are we talking about sayings like “the squeaky wheel gets the grease”?
Lindsey Graham on Morning Joke today:
“Can I give you the take on this race?” Graham proposed. “On our side, you’ve got the number two guy tried to kill somebody at fourteen. And the number one is high energy and crazy as hell. How am I losing to these people?”
Graham later added, “And I’ve tried to murder no one, ever. So this should move me up a little bit.”
Hey, who wants a hot dog?
Ben Carson has taken a narrow lead nationally in the Republican presidential campaign, dislodging Donald J. Trump from the top spot for the first time in months, according to a New York Times/CBS News survey released on Tuesday.Ben Carson has taken a narrow lead nationally in the Republican presidential campaign, dislodging Donald J. Trump from the top spot for the first time in months, according to a New York Times/CBS News survey released on Tuesday.
Pretty funny what Lindsey said.
Hot dogs and Carson:
I just couldn’t bring myself to watch the debate, yesterday.
I have a hard enough time staying up for things I’m actually interested in, and there’s absolutely nothing that intereste me about any of those bozos. Though Marco Rubio appears to be the latest annointed one (at least by the very serious media people – not sure anybody told the teabaggers drving the clown car about that, though).
Well this is very scary stuff in this ole state and the other counties/country. How can someone think they are “Christian” and then behave like this? I hope there is a hell and these folks – all of them – are in it.
Wow. Yeah, this is why (one reason why) there shouldn’t be a death penalty. The “justice” system is a game to these creeps and all they want to do is win – even if it means killing innocent people. It’s bad enough to unjustly imprison people, but at least it leaves open the possibilty of righting the wrong (and how many times have you seen prosecuters refuse to admit they put the wrong person away, even in the face of irrefutable DNA evidence).
Dead is pretty much forever.
Speaking of the criminal justice system, I got a jury questionnaire in the mail yesterday so it’s only a matter of time before I get called up.
I am, of course, thrilled.
When I was teaching, jury duty was a welcome respite. At the courthouse you got to sit quietly and read. Then jury duty was changed so that they notified you by phone if you were needed. That took all its appeal away.
It’s just a big hassle for me to have to get down to the courthouse and park and all that. They don’t reimburse you for parking, which seems rather unfair. And since I (thank goodness) still get paid, they even screw me out of the $8 a day (or whatever it is) stipend.
I’ve gotten lucky and never had to actually go down (last time, I’d have been in the next group but they filled the jury). I’m not feeling lucky this time around.
Ted Cruz thinks a debate moderated by Rush Linbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin would be great..
I totally agree but it’s too much pork for the fork.
I think Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, and Idi Amin would be better. And hell an appropriate venue.
Perhaps Palin can moderate a debate. Surely her verbal salad talk would be without those gotcha questions that the lion hearts in the GOP can’t take.
Alas, I always get booted off jury duty…it’s the Esquire thing, no one wants me. I’d love to be on a death penalty case here – can you say, “jury nullification?”
Hillary Clinton Unfit for Presidency
If people follow you around spreading vicious lies and rumors, decreasing your ability to find work or even a relationship, you’d probably be more than upset. With the internet, it’s very hard to know what’s circulating out there about you.
For the past few months, every time I drive somewhere, there’s been people holding their noses at me. I drive a distinctive colored vehicle, so I’m sure it’s recognizable from quite a ways away. This has caused my anguish and fear, so much so that I’ve thought about harming people. Even when I go grocery shopping this happens to me. Why this is so could be anyone’s guess.
This site and other social media sites I frequent have a ton of information about me. I’ve tried to delete most of everything I’ve posted on Facebook and Myspace, but I can’t do anything about this site.
When I traveled to another state a year ago, there was someone that approached me as if they knew me. He even knew about this site and people that post on it. I’m not going into detail about what he said or asked of me, but I’d rather that never happen again; though, I imagine it will.
Thanks, douchebags.
Thought of you, pj:
Now that’s a good deal.